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Athanasia had taken a walk for about forty-five minutes to try to clear her head. After the walk, she went back to her bedchambers in the castle and promptly passed out for a couple of hours—-but still, she awoke before the other members in the palace.

Athanasia headed out to the clearing outside the castle and reached for a sword. She checked the balance on it before approaching the sparring-dummy. She slashed at it. Athanasia wasn't the best when it came to hand-to-hand combat, no matter how many times knights had tried to teach her it.

All the knights in her kingdom—-Cyeollaria-—knew how to fight, but yet, she really didn't.

Heimir had forbidden it. He claimed Athanasia would be severely injured by practice like that. He said there was a reason they had warriors… to protect them, so they didn't have to protect themselves.

That didn't stop Athanasia from trying to learn—-and that didn't stop her from trying to teach Cadwal what she knew either.

By the time the people of Cyeollaria awoke, Athanasia had already been busy practicing for hours.

Knights eventually approached Athanasia for practice.

Athanasia engaged in battle with Danr, but struggled a little.

"Try to move your grip a little lower on the blade's handle… You don't wanna choke it," Danr suggested.

"Yeah," Svenn explained.

Athanasia slashed at Danr's just barely missing his armor.

"Just like that," Danr said in response.

Agnar approached, on his horse. "...Prince Ásgeirr."

Athanasia sighed a little bit before looking up at Agnar. "Yes?"

"We're to check on the village to try to catch the raiders," Agnar told her.

Athanasia nodded. "Of course. Let me retrieve my horse."

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

Unfortunately, Agnar and Athanasia's quest wasn't successful. So, they both agreed they'd get a drink at their usual tavern to drown themselves for their failure.

"I can't believe we didn't even find a single lead to lead us to the raiders," Agnar said, sounding frustrated.

"My father will no doubt have my head since we've made no progress." Athanasia angrily huffed before stopping her horse and dismounting it.

"What are you doing?" Agnar questioned her.

"I'm going to let off some steam… Care to join me?" She asked Agnar.

Agnar nodded, getting off his horse as well. "Of course."

They both had unsheathed their swords, swinging them at each other-—they met with a clang.

The two dueled for a long time before Athanasia started to rant.

"I don't get it," Athanasia began to say. "My father says he gives me everything on a silver platter, but he doesn't give me shit! If I don't live up to his expectations, he tells the servants to refuse me meals!" She swung her sword at the forest floor aggressively. "He claims that I drove my mother away, but it was him! It was all him! He used to hit her… He hurt her. He tried to kill her!"  As Athanasia swung the sword again, sparks danced up the blade before it caught fire.

Flames leaped onto a dead tree. It didn't take long for the flames to leap higher.

"Fuck." A lump formed in Athanasia's throat.

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