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Athanasia blinked a couple of times in disbelief before looking back at Cadwal. She sighed. "Do you know exactly what my father wants?"

Cadwal shook his head. "I'm afraid not. I think you'll just have to go talk to him for yourself."

Derbáil and Athanasia exchanged glances before following Cadwal back to the palace.

Once they were behind closed palace doors, Heimir smiled at them. "I trust you two had a lovely time."

Derbáil and Athanasia both faked a lie. "Yes."

"Good, good," Heimir started to say. Then he asked Derbáil, "Are you in your best dress?"

Derbáil nodded, but she seemed confused by this question. "Yes. Of course."

Heimir instructed, "Go into the Great Hall. Tulok is waiting."

Derbáil and Athanasia shot quick, horrified glances at each other.

Heimir and Drest wanted them to get married at that very second.

Athanasia's hand trembled as she grabbed Derbáil's. They slowly headed down the corridor with Heimir trailing not to far behind. Finally, they reached the Great Hall. They continued their slow pace until they reached Tulok.

Nobles sat in seats, intensely watching.

Tulok cleared his throat. "We are gathered here today to join Prince Ásgeirr Heimirsson, of Cyeollaria, and Princess Derbáil Ciar, of Abiria in-"

Suddenly, Danr burst into the room. "Your highness!" He shouted, out of breath.

"What is it, Danr?" Heimir asked. "What is so important that you need to interrupt my son's wedding?"

"Cyeollaria is being attacked-" Danr panted.

Heimir's eyes grew wide. "What? By who?"

"I'm not sure. All I know is they wield fire! Their horses almost looked to be made of fire, too!" Danr exclaimed.

Athanasia tensed up because Danr had described the invaders just like how they were in her dream.

"Lock the palace doors. Make sure nobody gets in or out," Heimir instructed Danr and the other knights. "The wedding will have to wait for now." Heimir headed off to a room off the Great Hall.

Derbáil let go of Athanasia's hand.

Aculia approached. "What will we do?" She asked Athanasia.

Athanasia swallowed. "I'm not sure... I don't even know what we're dealing with."

The people in the palace sat, fearfully for the next fourty-five minutes.

Screams from outside the palace echoed through the city.

Through the window, people could see all the buildings burning around them.

"Something has to be done about this," Athanasia said, solemnly before getting an approving nod from Agnar. She headed into the room her father had gone into. "Father," she began to call out. "We need to do something about this. We need to stop them."

"We can't possibly fight them. They're too dangerous," Heimir told Athanasia as he lit candles.

"Who are they?" Athanasia asked Heimir.

"None of your concern-" Heimir responded.

"Who are they?" Athanasia raised her voice. "They ransacked our kingdom when I was nine... The same year my mother went missing. Clearly this has something to do with me! Now, tell me, who are they?"

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