Part 6: The Joker Revealed

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Y/n Pov:

I sit around waiting for the phone to read as by now I am back in the Manor just feeling bored, but as I feel bored Alfred comes into the room holding a pan with some food on it.

Alfred: Master Y/n - don't tell me you intend on waiting by the phone for a girl to answer - because Master Bruce used to do that and got no success.

Y/n: I want her to know who Robin is, even if I'm not physically telling her I'm him.

Suddenly the phone rings and I pick it up.

Y/n: Hello.

Barbara(phone): Is this Y/n Wayne?

Y/n: Not really my last name, but I live with a Wayne - so in a way yes. I take it this is Barbara Gordon.

Barbara(phone): So, are you really a friend of Robin's?

Y/n: That depends, do you like vigilantism?

Barbara(phone): He's not a vigilante - just misunderstood.

Y/n: Some good people are, anyway he's saved me a few times.

Barbara(phone): Well I just saw him tonight, and I kinda helped him out with the National Criminal database at the GCPD.

Y/n: Couldn't knowledge get a young girl like yourself into a lot of trouble?

Barbara(phone): You're not the first person to tell me that. Do you go to school?

Y/n: Yeah. Gotham University, you know it?

Barbara(phone): Yeah, I actually go there myself but I've never seen you there.

Y/n: Well sometimes I get homeschooling from the family butler, every now and then I'll be there but other than that I'm usually here.

Barbara(phone): Well if you're Robin's friend, maybe you can get me an autograph from him and the big Bat?

Y/n: [Seductive] Maybe I can hook you up, and maybe we can meet up somewhere sometime?

Barbara(phone): Get me the autograph and I might check my calendar.

Y/n: It's a deal then, it was nice meeting you Barb.

Barbara(phone): Yeah, you too Y/n.

The phone hangs up on her end and I see Alfred giving me a smirk that gives me the impression he approves.

Alfred: You never told me you were like this.

Y/n: Yeah well you never said anything about Y/n trying, how to get those autographs though.

Alfred goes to reply but he gets a contact from Batman.

Batman(comms): Alfred, confirm we now have access to the National Criminal Database.

Alfred: Connection confirmed. You can now perform DNA analysis. I'm also sending over the police file for the Lacey Towers case.

Alfred sends me and Batman the file, and it shows more to the story than what we found.

Y/n: Bruce, you seein this too?

Batman(comms): This photo is from the day of the murder.

Y/n: And it's a perfect match.

Batman(comms): The DNA tells more of the story... But here's something the police overlooked: Roman Sionis owns the Gotham Merchants Bank.

Y/n: Wait, so Sionis owns the biggest bank in Gotham history?

Batman(comms): Yeah, and he installed biometric security only he could access. Alfred - I have enough information to solve the Lacey Towers case. Here's what happened:

Batman and Robin: Arkham Origins x Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz