Final Part: Y/n and Barbara

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No Pov:

We see Gordon and Barbara at home and Jim looks to be getting ready for work.

Gordon: Ok Barbara - I'll see you when I get back.

Barbara: Um actually Dad - could you wait a little bit longer?

Gordon: What's the occasion?

Barbara: I wanted you to meet my boyfriend.

Gordon: Boyfriend?

Suddenly the doorbell rings and Gordon goes to answer it and it reveals Y/n.

Gordon: Can I help you?

Barbara: Y/n!

Y/n: Hey.

Barbara: Dad, this is Y/n Wayne.

Gordon: Wayne?

Y/n: Oh right - last time you saw me I was little and was in an alleyway crying after watching his parents die.

Gordon: So, that was you?

Y/n: Yeah, and sorry I didn't really tell you about me and your daughter being a thing.

Barbara: We wanted to wait till you had the time to meet him.

Gordon: Well - just don't hurt my daughter.

Y/n: I wouldn't dream of it, otherwise Alfred would kill me.

Alfred: Enjoy yourself, Master Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks Al.

As Gordon and Alfred leave Barbara pulls Y/n over to the couch to watch some tv together, and now since they don't have to worry about The Joker or Batman and Robin being hunted by assassins and the police force they can.

Barbara: So, what do you want to watch?

Y/n: I was thinking a movie - like this one(whatever one you want).

Barbara: Not a bad decision.

The movie starts and Y/n lays down on the couch with Barbara laying down on top of him, and at this point I'd say they're enjoying themselves.

Y/n: I love you, Barbara.

Barbara: I love you too, Y/n.

(And that wraps up Arkham Origins, and the next time you see the story continue on it will be in Batman Arkham Origins Cold Cold Heart dlc which will see Batman and Robin stepping out of the shadows to face Victor Fries aka Mr Freeze and after that Arkham Knight's A Matter of Family dlc story. This has been @WilliamHarley0 and I hope you enjoyed this story.)

Batman and Robin: Arkham Origins x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now