Special Chapter Part 1: Deadshot

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After dealing with the first 6 assassins(Killer Croc, Deathstroke, Copperhead, Electrocutioner, Firefly and Bane)on Christmas Eve, Batman and Robin accomplished their mission and saved Gotham City from the Joker, but unfortunately the last 2 assassins(Deadshot and Shiva)have been keeping a low profile. With Joker behind bars Y/n hung up the Robin costume to spend some time with his girlfriend Barbara Gordon, and Bruce Wayne is still on the prowl as Batman as he's suspicious about the last of Joker's assassins suddenly showing up. Right now Y/n is seen sitting at a Cafe with Barbara just having a good time.

Y/n Pov:

After finally being rid of The Joker, I was finally able to just relax and enjoy myself with Barbara and it was nice just getting to be with the person I loved and without having to worry about her telling the world mine and Bruce Wayne's secrets. We're currently sitting down enjoying a nice dinner for two.

Barbara: This is nice, Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah, and what's better is no villains or Police Force to ruin it.

Barbara: But aren't you worried? Bruce said there were 8 assassins, and I haven't seen the other 2.

Y/n: If you mean Deadshot and Shiva then we'll find them, they're just a little harder to track. Floyd Lawton is dangerous but he'll show himself eventually, as for Shiva she's a very skilled fighter. Anyway...

I bring a glass up and signal a cheers.

Y/n: ...To us and to Batman and Robin.

Barbara: [Giggles] I'll toast to that.

We cling our glasses and prepare to eat our food, until I get an unannounced call from Batman.

Y/n: Oh um... Sorry Barbara, but I've got to take this... Um...

Barbara: Let me guess, Batman Business.

Y/n: Babs, you know I wouldn't ruin our date like this but when he needs me he needs me.

Barbara: Go protect the city, I'll call my Dad.

I smile and kiss Barbara on the cheek, which was brief but worth it. I get up from my seat and run off to an alleyway and answer the call.

Y/n: Bruce, this had better be important.

Batman(Phone): I'm sorry Y/n, but this is starting to get suspicious. Not one sighting of Deadshot or Shiva.

Y/n: Makes sense, but it's obvious they're trying to hide their tracks.

Batman(phone): Y/n, I need you. And Gotham needs Robin.

I thought about that last line for the next few minutes. "Gotham needs Robin." I almost lost my life because of me and Batman trying to protect Gotham from the Joker and mainly Bane, but Bruce wasn't exactly wrong.

Y/n: Send the suit.

Alfred(comms): It's a bit damaged from Christmas Eve, but I've made a few modifications to your original design.

Y/n: It's okay Alfred, I didn't mean my original design.

Suddenly a pod comes flying from the sky and lands on a rooftop just a couple of kilometers away from Ace Chemicals. I climb up to the building and get my costume all set and ready to go. I then look at all of the gadgets set up.

Robin: Not bad of a selection...

I grabbed everything that I might need. The Grapnel Gun, my Bow Staff, the Snap Flash, the ever faithful Shuriken and my Remote Shuriken, the Zip Kick, Explosive Gel and my personal favorite the Remote Hacking Device.

 The Grapnel Gun, my Bow Staff, the Snap Flash, the ever faithful Shuriken and my Remote Shuriken, the Zip Kick, Explosive Gel and my personal favorite the Remote Hacking Device

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