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July 11,

Soos asked us to come back to the falls. Our uncles were in town and wanted to see us for the summer. Mabel took forever getting packed like always she had to bring waddles. Although we had to put waddles down about a year ago he wasn't doing good and we didn't want him in pain. Mabel wasn't too keen on eating him either so- ashes.

We took the car that our parents gave Mabel for our birthday, ever since I came out to dad and mom, Mabel's been the golden child even though I got my license before her. I told them I was trans but that didn't go down too well with them they said I'd just be disrespecting my sister by changing.

Mabel understood she always did, the funny thing is our parents raised two gay children and when Mabel  came out as a lesbian she wasn't chewed out like I was and I was happy for her even though she was upset they hadn't accepted me like that.


"Mabel come on we have to go" I yelled into the house closing my journal and tucking it to inside pocket of my jacket. "Coming!" She ran down the hall waddles ashes in her hands so he could see gravity falls again. She decorated his box with glitter glue and googly eyes. He would have loved it.

I got into the drivers seat and started the car our stuff in the back and started the drive to Gravity Falls, Oregon.

I am not sorry for the short chapter this is the first official chapter so they will be short like this
I'm going to try and keep this updated of if I think of anything to add or correct any mistakes I might make.

302 words

-updated version-

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