Part 1

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Deep in the Enchanted Forest, there was a tower. The tower has only one room. There were no doors, no stairs, and only one window. The sole inhabitant of the tower was named Rapunzel. She was a girl of immeasurable beauty, with pale skin and bright blue eyes. But her most noticeable feature was her hair. Having never been cut, it was long enough that her mother used it to climb up through the window whenever she came to visit her daughter.
Rapunzel's mother, Regina, had been in love with a stable boy named Daniel. But when Regina's mother found out about their plans to run away together, she killed Daniel so that Regina could marry the king. Regina never loved the king, but married him anyway to please her mother. But a week before the wedding, Regina found out that she was pregnant with Daniel's baby. She said nothing about it, however, and went on with the wedding. After she was married, the king and his daughter, Snow White, were gone so often that it wasn't hard to hide it from them. She wanted to keep the baby to herself because it was the only thing she had of Daniel, besides the ring he had given her when he proposed.
As the time drew nearer for the baby to be born, she had a secret tower built deep in the forest where she would hide the baby.
As the child grew, she learned to sing. And her voice was every bit as beautiful as she was.

One day when Rapunzel was sixteen, Prince James was riding through the forest when he heard her singing. He rode towards it and came upon the tower. As he was about to dismount, he heard someone coming, so he rode a little ways away so that he could go back when the coast was clear. As he watched, Regina rode out of the cover of trees riding a black horse and approached the tower.
"Rapunzel!" she called as she climbed off of her horse. "Rapunzel, let down your hair!"
A few seconds later, a mound of golden hair fell from above, and the queen climbed up and entered the tower. A few hours later, he saw Regina leave. After he was sure she was gone, he left the cover of trees and dismounted his horse. As he neared the base of the tower, he called, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair." He was greeted a few seconds later by the golden hair falling from the solitary window.
When he got to the top, Rapunzel took a few steps back and she looked scared. "Who are you?" she asked.
"I'm Prince James." he replied. "I was riding in the woods and heard singing. Was that you?"
Rapunzel started nervously twisting a bit of her hair. "Yes. Why?"
"You have an amazing voice!"
"Thank you." she blushed.
And just like that, they began to fall in love. After that, James came by the tower quite often, but always in secret. Or so they thought.

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