Part 8

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Regina and Rapunzel sat and talked for a while. Then they heard footsteps coming their way.
"Hey, Mom!" Henry said as he walked in. "I was thinking-" He stopped when he saw Rapunzel.
"Who's this?" he asked. "And why are you bald, Mom?"
"That's a long story." Regina said.
"Hi, I'm Rapunzel." Rapunzel said, extending her hand to Henry. They shook hands.
"It's nice to finally meet my little brother. I've heard quite a bit about you." Rapunzel said.
Henry looked confused. "Brother?" he asked. "What are you talking about?"
"Henry, come here." Regina said, motioning for him to sit on the couch. He obeyed, and they sat facing each other on the couch while Rapunzel took a seat on the opposite couch.
"Henry, Rapunzel is my daughter. Your step-sister."
"I thought you couldn't have kids." Henry said, confused.
"I had her before that. She came from when I was with Daniel. But when I became queen, I wanted to keep her to myself because she was all I had left of him. I realize now, though, that that was a selfish decision."
"And you never told me? Why?" Henry asked, a bit angry that his mother had kept this secret from him.
"Because. . .the memory was too painful. But I know that's no excuse. Can you forgive me?" Regina said.
"I forgive you, Mom." Henry said. "But that still doesn't explain why you're bald."
"Oh, I had totally forgotten!" Regina chuckled as she reached up and touched her head.
"I have cancer." Rapunzel said quietly.
"What? I just found out I have a sister, and now she has cancer?"
"Dr. Whale says what I have is easy to treat." Rapunzel said.
"Oh. Well, that's good. Wait. . . Does that mean. . . Mom, do you have-"
"Oh no, honey! I don't! I just didn't want her to feel like she was all alone in this now. So I let her shave my head."
"Whew! I started to panic a little." Henry said, wiping his brow.
"So, what did you come here for?" Regina asked.
"Oh! I almost forgot! I was gonna ask if I could spend the night here tonight."
"Yeah, sure!"
"Sweet! I'll let my mom know." he said, pulling out his phone to text Emma.

Author's Note:
I know this chapter is super short, and I'm sorry about that. That was all I could think of to write for now. But I hope you liked it anyway. 😊
The next part will be the epilogue, where I wrap it up and bring this story to a close. I hope you'll stick around to see what happens! 😉

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