May 1, 2268

41 2 0

I had just got off work and was on my way to see Nick. 

Nick got me a job as a cook at the Dugout Inn. It wasn't exactly glorifying work, but it was a job. I was still spending my caps on chems here and there, but my usage had gone down a helluva lot after leavin' Maggie's company.

When I got to Nick's office, his secretary, Ellie, said that he was supposed to be in town somewhere. So, I started lookin'.

I found him at the mechanic's shed where Guy was givin' him a once-over. Even though Guy was only 33 years old, he was beginning to look a little older than that — a dead giveaway that he was still drinkin' heavily. I wondered how I must look, then.

Since I got back to a mostly healthy lifestyle, I tended to keep my hair washed and brushed — even gave it a trim recently. I shaved and kept my clothes clean. However, the bags under my eyes and the scattered scars on my body, and the faded track marks on my arms from where I experimented with Med-X made me look pretty rough around the edges despite my attempts at cleanin' up.

"Hey, John," said Nick with his shirt unbuttoned, exposing his metal parts. Guy had his hand inside with a small screwdriver, the imagery makin' my skin crawl for some reason. "I'll be with ya in just a sec. Shouldn't be much longer here."

"No, take your time. I'll wait on ya outside."

I had to talk to Nick about acquiring the small house that just opened up in town. It was right next door to the Garvey residence, so it was a good part of the neighborhood. I wouldn't have minded having my own place, but Nick would probably have to sweet-talk the mayor for me. I didn't have the best rep.

I waited by the entrance of the mechanic's shed with my back turned and arms crossed, watching the foot traffic in town. It wasn't long before Nick met up with me.

"Did you need to talk, John?" he asked. He buttoned up the last button on his shirt and adjusted his tie.

"Yeah, I was gonna talk to you about that house that just became available."

"The one by the Garvey residence? What of it? You interested?"

"Yeah. I got five hundred caps saved up, but I wasn't sure how much the ol' mayor wanted to squeeze outta me. I'm tired of sleepin' in squatter territory. Would you be willin' to talk to the mayor for me?"

"Sure thing. I'll put in a word for you when I see him again."

"I will, too," said Guy from a few feet away.

I just stared at him, mouth agape. Did I just have a stroke or did Guy actually acknowledge me? He stood in the middle of the shed, covered in grease as usual, wiping his hands on a dirty rag. His expression was solumn.

"I'm sorry — what did you say?" I asked.

"I... I'll put in a good word for you with the mayor so that you can get that house in town."

Nick and I exchanged looks.

"I'll let you two talk," said Nick with a smirk.

As Nick left me and Guy alone, standin' about ten feet apart and awkwardly starin' at each other, I couldn't find my words. For a while, I had wondered how long Guy was gonna pretend that I didn't exist. We had seen each other in passin' since I got back to the city, but he didn't acknowledge me at all. So I did the same.

He scratched his neck and adjusted his weight, lookin' around the shed as if he was lookin' for a hint about what to say next. "H-How have you been?" he stuttered.


"I heard you've been working."


"That's good. That's good..."

FO4 | Book 0: The Diaries of Anarchy ✔️Where stories live. Discover now