February 10, 2282

31 2 0

I couldn't handle the loss anymore. I dragged my feet back to Goodneighbor, wonderin' if I shoulda just stayed in Diamond City with Piper and Nat after all. But then the thought of my brother runnin' the show with all his newfound pompousness and bigotry made my blood boil.

I entered the gates of Goodneighbor for what felt like the twentieth time since I left Diamond City. I ritualistically stopped at Daisy's shop first.

"Welcome back, John," she said from behind the counter. "Bring us any new faces today?"

"No. I'm done." 

"Oh, my. What happened?"

"The last two known refugees killed themselves two days ago. I can't take it anymore."

"John, you couldn't help them all."

"I'm the only one that offered to."

"I understand. And I know this is probably a bad time for saying so, but the ghouls from Diamond City may have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire."

"Whaddya mean?"

She lowered her voice. "I don't think anyone's told you, John. Goodneighbor's mayor has been on a rampage lately. He's become more of the 'hands-on' type, but his idea of 'hands-on' is terrorizing the locals. Keeping your head down does nothing anymore. His city guard will randomly pick someone to kill to make them an example of Vic's power. It started not long after he and Marowski started working closer together."


"About a year after Marowski's chem stash was raided. Marowski put out a big bounty on whoever did it, but they were never found. He and Vic started working pretty closely together, and I'd say it's because Marowski got desperate. He's getting Vic's protection and more accessible chem trade out of the deal. All it's costing him is a cut of his profits and a few men that he sent off to Vic's employ. Vic's watchmen have nearly doubled since you last lived here, John."


"Vic also raised his taxes, so it's hard to make a living anymore. Traders are starting to avoid Goodneighbor, so goods are becoming scarce. That means whatever meds or chems you need comes straight from Marowski, and let me tell you, honey — I don't trust his product as far as I could throw him."

"Yeah, don't take anything Marowski's sellin'. Learned that the hard way."

She laced her fingers together on the counter and leaned forward. "So? What are you going to do now? You heading out?"

"No. I'm tired, Daisy. I think I'm just gonna... stay here a while."

"After everything I told you, you're gonna chance staying here?"

"I got nowhere else to go."

Under the crushing boot of Vic's rule or under the bigotry of my own brother, I'd rather have Vic to contend with.

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