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111 13 3

(new update, hope y'all enjoy! Also, if you want an QnA respond here, Nightmare, Moon, Dream, Cross, Ink, Blue and the murder trio are open to questions.)


The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout

Downed all the beer to drown the voices out

Up came the sun and brang back all the pain

So the itsy bitsy spider went out to drink again

(Don't drink kids ☝️)



I've been thinking, often.

Ever since Cross let me into his home, let me stay with him despite not knowing anything about me I have been feeling.. sad? I felt a negative power around it times and it made me feel sad, it could be Nightmare but I don't know.

I haven't told Cross yet

So far whoever is causing this isn't a threat after all...

But I've been worried, of they are a threat after me? I'd be putting Cross in danger and I don't want that! So I've been training, I've realized my soul has gotten duller, like a dull purple, on the apple I've called my soul.
I've also felt mom.

I've been worried often, with the weird feeling of sadness when something gets close to the feeling of mom I have been on guard more often, luckily Cross hasn't questioned me as of yet.

Sitting on the couch I watched the other leave, he said he needed to go somewhere and I trusted that I'd be fine here without him.
I don't want him to leave but it's best he does what he needs, gives me more time to think on my life..

Giving a small sigh I relaxed, so far all I've done is basically leech off the other because I'm too weak to fight for myself which sucks in all the ways it should.
I wish that I could be of more use sometimes, even if he seems thankful and unbothered by my presence, I know it causes problems such as knowing someone could take me away suddenly or money issues. All I've been my whole life is a bothersome pest, existing in a world that doesn't need me.

Why do I exist?
What does people get out of my existence?

'!7'5 0k4y'


'y0u'11 83 0k4y'


iT's OkAy
iT's NoT yOuR fAuLt
EvErYtHiNg HaPpEnS fOr A rEaSoN
YoU'rE nOt At FaUlT

L̷i̷v̷e̷ f̷o̷r m̷e̷


Sitting up with a gasp I held my skull, tears streaming down my socket as I gave harsh breaths.

Who was that?

Rubbing the tears away I stood and went to the bathroom, washing off my skull as I gathered myself together.
What did they mean? Did they know my problems? What I thought?

Staring into the mirror I swore, the image of me was absolutely disgusting.

Bandages made up half of my skull, the only working eyelight I had was faded and very dull, basically struggling to stay lit despite me being able to clearly see.
My souls light from underneath the sweater I wore was very dull, basically about to unlight itself. What happened to me? Why did life go the way it did?

Rubbing away the drowsiness, sadness and confusion I left the bathroom, stumbling to the couch and falling into it, a groan leaving my small form as I stayed there.

Hopefully Cross gets here soon.



(I've been losing motivation as of late, it's been a struggle updating my main story and I thought since the main story got an update to update this one for you guys, if you want something specific please do tell, I'll always try my best to add especially if I'm given some idea. That's all.
Word count: 612)

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