Who am I?

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3rd person POV:

A strong breath of wind knocked over a couple of recycling bins. Strong busts of winds ran behind a large abandoned house, entering the forest.

A girl about 5 foot 8 followed the gusts of wind, taking quick breaths as she ran. She stopped at the entrance of the woods.

She knew these woods, there was a urban legend about these woods, and it was best to avoid them, but she was eager to follow the wind. She put her right foot in front of her left and stepped on the dirt of the forest.

She shivered, as her figure continued cautiously.

Her wavy black hair jumped up can down as she ran. She came into a clearing, as her blue eyes scanned her surroundings. The Trees where a uncomfortable shade of gray, and the branches looked dead.

There was a large stone Sitting in the center, surrounded by the dead trees. Sitting on the stone was a small light blue figure resembling a small girl, with red straight long hair that rides down her back, she looked to be wearing purple overalls and a yellow shirt. She couldn't see her face so she moved towards her.

"Hey" Said the girl, in a soft British accent, "You should'n be here, innit a lil' cold?" The small blue figure turned around. The British girl let out a blood curling scream, in front of her was a ghost, with full black eyes, and was crying black ooze.

Her face turned into a giant grin, with sharp teeth, her hands slowly morphed into claws and her face and body started to shape itself into a horrid form, the only thing that didn't change about the girl, was a small necklace made from a silver ribbon, and in that ribbon is a small gold heart charm.

The creatures mouth got disturbingly big, filled with sharp teeth as it opened its mouth and got closer to the girl who had unfortunately fallen on the floor. All that could be heard was a scream, then silence. The creature ate the girl whole. Nothing was left behind.

The creature slowly morphed back into its old form. The girl had Beautiful baby blue eyes and freckles that littered her face. She reached her hand out and slowly a White flower formed in her hands, she slowly put the flower on the spot where the girl once was.

"..p..ur..eee.." and with that the girl walked away, slowly her body starts to change its shape, from the small girl with purple overalls and red hair, transformed into a lovely woman with a dark purple turtle neck and a black skirt that reached to her mid-thigh, she had black combat boots, and her red hair was neatly in a ponytail reaching to her mid-back.

She still had the silver ribbon necklace hanging from her neck. She silently walked through a clearing, reaching a unfamiliar mansion.

The mansion looked old but still quite beautiful, but the woman decided to check it out another time.

She turned around and walked away, unknowing of a mysterious figure watching her from above one of the trees.

??? POV:

"B-B-But this-this is urg-ent!!"

"What could it be, that is possibly worth my time?"

"I s-saw some-one in fro-nt of the m-m-m-ansion!!"

"...and??..there are many people who come and go...besides..non of them leave."

"B-But this on was-was differ-ent!! Sh-she looked un-harmed in a-a-nyway!! Sh-she also d-d-didn't have any-thing with her, n-no ba-g, bac-backpack, NO-THIN-G!!"

"and what is that supposed to mean?"

"She was-n't staying ov-er, and she w-asn't harme-d!! I saw rak-e 20 minutes ea-rlier before tha-t!! How could rake ha-ve not killed her?? Her clo-ths looked n-n-eat too!! Her bo-ots were ne-w, as if she- hasn't wa-lked in mud, and it r-ecently rain-ed!!"

"Toby, stop yelling. Your right, i'll look into this, keep a eye out, if you find this girl bring her here. Do you remember how she looked?"

"Well y-es, she had red ha-ir in a pon-ytail, down to mi-d-back. P-Purple turtle n-eck, combat bo-ots, and a black s-kirt. She also ha-d blue ey-es and lots of fr-eckles!"

"Interesting, your dismissed."



"Can yo-u teleport m-e to starbu-"


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