Faceless tree.

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A/N: I added swearing cause it sounds funny. Idk.

"How could she possibly hurt me? I'm dead.." The little spirit whispered saddly. Mr.Faceless just shook his head.

"That is what I'm trying to find out."

"How???" Whined the tiny ghost. She clutched onto her bear plushy tighter.

"Ya weird, tall faceless tree. How??" I copied the little girls annoying voice.

"Faceless..tree?!?" The Aura around him got thicker. I decided I should stay quite. Wise choice.

The tiny spirit huffed. Girly ain't going down without a fight.

Slenderman just stared at me, so I stared back. He rubbed his temples with his fingers.

"Do you ever shut up?"

"I wasn't talking, last time I checked."

"Slender, if she dangerous..thank How come her ropes are untied and she hasn't hurted anyone?" Sally questioned.

Noooo you blew my cover ghost bestay!!

Slenderman just sighed. Probably annoyed.

"I give up. Do you wish to leave?"




"What the fuck."


"I have a better idea. Please get the fuck out if my house."

"YoU kidnAPPED mE."

"Yes and I deeply regret it now. Now by all means get out."

"Well now I wanna stay. >:("

"Do all ghosts act like children or is it only the ones I interact with." He sighed. Me and Sally looked at him. Sally just ignored it and ran of to LORD KNOWS WHERE. While I am stuck in a MUSTU CRUSTY BASMENT. Yay. How fun. Gotta mark that of the ol' bucket list.

"How about..you meet the others. They're just as annoying as you so you'll get along just fine." He sighed, giving up as he led the way to the stairs.  I stood up as I stretched my legs. Sitting for that long is tiring. I need some souks or I might just turn out of to much energy.

I darted right after Slender-bender after realizing I took to long.


So little but I am yet so tired. Yay.
I feel like thsi story's cringe tho, ngl.

Anyways ima continue writing cause why not. Yay. My hand hurts from phone typing. Bye. (ITS also 11 am..or pm?? what's the night one..)

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