Trigger Gets Stolen

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Mypov: One Day Billy came over to visit and he had brought his own horse and I went to go get Trigger and I immediately knew that something was wrong and I screamed out " Billy Come to the Barn Now I think Someone stole Trigger", once Billy got there he held out his arms and walked up to me slowly talkin to me the whole time then out of his character he hugs me and says" I will help you find Trigger ok I ain't gon give up on a huge friend of mine you are apart of my family now and I know for a fact that Trigger means the world to you" once I calmed down he took me back to the house and sat me at the table and got me to do some breathing exercises and the rest of the boys showed up and made sure that I was ok, we all teamed up and we began searching for Trigger we found a ton of clues, that led to me believing that my Nana could've done it and Billy believed me and my opinion and we eventually found out from different places where she stopped with him in a trailer and I started thinking the worst of the worst and Billy saw that and rode his horse up next to Dually and I and he said" Hey Ace It'll be alright If Trigger's not givin up Then you can't give up

Billy the Kid and Trynity meet in Texas Where stories live. Discover now