Doc sees me Cryin

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Doc's pov:  I can hear Billy's  friend Trynity silently sniffling and I was curious on what happened so I walked up and Asked her what happened and she said that  The guy she was with by the time we got to her Aunt's house  had broken up with her before she found us and that he was abusive and made her feel broken and un able to do stuff and he also forced her to ignore her entire family for 4 months and she was sad that he was arrested and felt guilty for sending him to jail but she knew that it was the best thing that she could do for her safety along with her family's  safety and I rubbed her back as she was telling me these things and I asked her"  Hey can I go get Billy so he can hear this also", she said" Yeah I guess", I went and got Billy  and we both went up to her and she had her head in her arms and Billy being Best Friend noticed almost immediately  and went in front of her and said" Can I see your face my friend I wanna make sure that your gon' be ok", She slowly looked up at him and s hi e said" I am sorry that I didn't tell you sooner", He looked at her and wiped her tears away and said" You aren't  the one who should be apologizing to me your son of a bitch  Boyfriend should not you  and they hugged and she said"  Thanks Billy

Billy the Kid and Trynity meet in Texas Where stories live. Discover now