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Request by: no one
Prompt/overview: y/n is transported into the Star Wars universe, is briefly on the run and is taken in by Obi-wan (you will not have knowledge of Star Wars)

Tw: anxiety and brief mentions of nausea, needles, blood and the hospital

(S/c) - skin colour
(H/c) - hair colour
(F/c) - favourite colour

You can barely comprehend what is happening. You had been relaxing on your bed one minute and the next you were flung through a sort of tunnel with bright lights surrounding you and dumped in some strange city.
As you ran, avoiding those... creatures as much as you can as they make strange noises of alarm or annoyance when you run past. You round a corner where you are stopped by two figures in white armour and helmets with red streaks.
"Are you alright?" one of them asks as you notice both of them holding what seemed like guns. You freeze, panic rising in your chest.
"We don't know what you're running from kid but it seems like you could benefit from coming with us" the other said, in the exact same voice.
"S-stay away" you manage to get out. The anxiety making your vision narrow as the armoured figured move closer.
"Look, just stay.." one of them reached for your arm.
"Stop!" You imagine pushing them both away and to your surprise they went flying. Hitting the railing of the walkway you were on.
You stare at your hands in amazement before remembering the situation you're in. You quickly run off down an maze of alleys as the two were beginning to stir.

-time skip-

"Please be advised we have a force user on the loose. They assaulted two troopers and is on the run. They have (s/c) skin, (length) (h/c) hair and were last seen wearing strange clothes, a (f/c) shirt with a strange insignia and (a skirt/pants/shorts in any colour) and no shoes. If you spot them, apprehend immediately, blasters to stun only " you hear this announcement in the helmet of another armoured figure just outside the alleyway you're hiding in.
"Roger that" the figure replies in the same voice before taking of his helmet.
You've noticed that all the armoured individuals are the same voice. You wonder why. Another one shows up and you retreat further into the alley.
"Hey Shin, how was your patrol" the first one said.
"Eh, not bad. But did you hear about the force user?"
"Yeah. Just hear it over the comms" the first turns to one side and you notice he is human.
"I heard that the Jedi are looking into it too"
The second one nodded "they're putting general Kenobi and another Jedi on it"
Just then a hunched over creature with a walking stick and a beak approached the two "it looks like you troopers have been lacking in your lookout for the force user" the creature mused.
"Uh, oh, sorry sir, we were just finishing our break, we'll go looking for them now" one of the armoured men stuttered.
"No need, the one you are looking for is already here" the creature said and walked past them into the alleyway.
You stumble back, the panic that had been at a manageable level had spiked again and you began to spiral, hands shaking and the feeling of nausea creeping up your throat.
"Calm down young one, I am not going to hurt you"
The creature stops, seeming to notice your mindset. He turns to the armoured men. "I believe this requires Master Kenobi's touch, please watch this one while I contact him" they nodded and the creature took a small puck-shaped thing from his pocket. There was a sound and the image of a cloaked man flickered into view.
"Master Kenobi" the creature greeted.
"Master Sinube" the man greeted "have you found them?"
"Indeed, but they are very agitated and I believe you would be of help to them"
"Send me the coordinates, I'll be there soon"
With that the image flickered again and disappeared.
The armoured men looked over to the creature called 'Master Sinube' and you took this opportunity to make your escape.
"Hey! Stop!" One of the men yells but you ignore him. Then there was a sort of zapping noise and the world went black.

-time skip-

You come to slowly, the darkness giving way to a bed in a white pristine room. You groan and move your head to look around and come face to face with a humanoid alien with aqua skin and two fleshy growths who was fiddling with an iv drip. She caught sight of you and quickly rushed out of the room
You felt panic rise in your chest again as you didn't know what you were being medicated with or where you were. You ripped out the iv needle and began to frantically look around the room for any place to hide or escape. That creature was definitely going to get someone, possibly your captor.

Scuffling was heard outside your room and you quickly jumped back into the bed, choosing to pretend to still be unconscious, hoping to be left alone or released instead of facing an unknown creature.
The door whooshed open and someone walked into the room.
There was silence for a minute before a voice spoke "I know you are awake young one" it was calming and you cracked an eyelid open to try to catch a glimpse of what was happening.

There you saw a man with ginger hair and a beard, wearing some sort of robes and an armour sleeve standing by your bed. You sit up slowly, cautious.
The man pulled a chair up and sat down "what's your name?" He asked.
You contemplated not answering, but your gut told you that he was trustworthy "Y/n".
"Well Y/n, my name is Obi Wan Kenobi. Do you know where you are?"
"Kenobi, like the man in the cloak" you think before replying "No"
The man gave a reassuring smile before noticing your arm, it had a small trail of blood from where the iv had been pulled out "are you okay" he gestured to it.
You nodded meekly "where am I?"
"You're on Coruscant in a hospital to treat your feet and assess you"
You look down at your feet which had white bandaids/plasters in various places.
"Where's Coruscant, and what are those creatures everywhere?" You ask, wanting to get more answers.
"Creatures? You mean other species? You haven't seen the, before?" Obi Wan looks surprised.
"No, are they dangerous?" You feel like you just asked something that should be common knowledge.
"They're just like you and me, they just have a different appearance" he replies, making you feel bad for the beaked creature who tried to talk to you "if you haven't seen other species before, how did you get to Coruscant? By ship?"
"There was a weird light and I was sucked through a wormhole thing to here" you try to explain your experience.
Obi Wan looks thoughtful.
"So where is Coruscant?" You repeat your earlier question.
"It's the heart of the galaxy, right in the centre"
"Galaxy?" You stammer, trying to comprehend this new information.
"Can you tell me what planet you are from?"
"Hmm" Obi Wan had that thoughtful look again, stroking his beard "I can't say I've heard of that before, but I could look for it. What species does Earth have on it?"
"Humans" you reply.
"Just humans?"
You nod.
"Okay, I'll go look. A nurse will come in and treat your wound" he gestures to your arm "she was in the room before, are you okay with that?"
You still feel uncomfortable with the idea but decide to say yes as Obi Wan said that the other species were nice.
He leaves and the aqua-skinned lady comes back in. She smiles "how are you feeling?" Her accent is vaguely French which reminds you of your planet.
"I feel better"
"That's good, but please next time wait for medical personnel to remove your iv for you, pulling it out yourself is dangerous"

-time skip-

Obi Wan couldn't find any records of your planet and is theorising you came from another galaxy. You have also learnt what your newfound powers are. A thing called the force, which Jedi, including Obi Wan, could use.
Obi Wan has offered to teach you how to control it as well as the ways of this galaxy which you eagerly agreed to.
When Obi Wan presented this idea to the council of Jedi some were unsure, but a shrivelled green creature simply chuckled and said "anomalies, your Padawans always are" and so you became Obi Wan's student or Padawan as he called it
The training is hard, but you enjoy it, Obi Wan is like a father to you.

1430 words

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