Sharing Stories with Ashoka

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Request by: no one
Prompt/Overview: takes place during the Mandalorian series before Mando meets with Ashoka (spoilers), you and Ahsoka meet up on Corvus after not seeing each other since order 66
Trigger warnings: brief mention of self harm scars

A/n: I wrote this as it seems there isn't enough comfort one shots on here that are specifically Star Wars and don't have any romance in them. Also Ashoka is my Star Wars comfort character.

You manage to land your ship on the surface of Corvus, a planet filled with burnt ashen trees, maybe that's why Ashoka chose it. It was a good hiding place. The ships ramp descended and you walked down it to find a cloaked figure waiting for you with a Convor (force sensitive owl) on their shoulder. They approached and pulled their hood back revealing a face you hadn't seen in years.
Sure, she looked older, her leeku were longer and there was a tiredness to her eyes but it was her.
"Long time no see old friend" you greet her, spreading your arms wide as Ashoka met your embrace.
"It's good to see you Y/n" she replied, sadness evident in her voice "I'm glad you're here".
After making sure your ship was secure you followed Ashoka back to her campsite where you shared memories and stories from before the Empire, how you and your master would join Anakin and Ashoka on missions, how you lost touch for a while after you became a Jedi knight and Ashoka left the order.
You had met up briefly when Anakin had tried to get Ashoka to rejoin the Jedi order but you were called away on a mission before being able to catch up properly. Then order 66 happened and you were lucky to be alive. The clones who had fought bravely beside you had turned against you, gravely injuring you in your escape.
Ashoka then shared stories about her time with rebels, of a Jedi who was just a padawan when the empire rose. How he took on his own apprentice and how their rag tag rough-around-the-edges crew fought against the empire on a large scale. How the Jedi sacrificed his life for the mission, then his apprentice did the same, although Ashoka believes he's still out there along with another member of the crew.
You share the things you did while in hiding, how you became a bounty hunter for hire for a bit before eventually joining a rebel cell, although you didn't reveal you were a Jedi, you mentioned how you briefly met a man called Luke Skywalker. How he was Anakin's kid and he was the one to defeat Darth Vader, you also met his twin Leia.
Ashoka doesn't seem surprised by Anakin having kids and tells you about his not-so-secret relationship with Padme Amidala. She also reveals that Darth Vader was Anakin. A revelation you needed time to process.

As night falls on the planet Ashoka offers you a stew she made, promising it is better than the times she attempted to cook at the temple. It surprisingly was.
The night was getting warm and you decide to take off your jacket, the scars on your arms now in full view. Ashoka glances at them but doesn't say a word. Although you can feel her sympathy and understanding through the force. She knows how it felt to be alone and how it would've affected you.
She pulls you into a side hug like you did as padawans after a difficult mission offering her words of comfort
"I'm glad we're both alive" she whispers.
"Me too"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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