Chapter 1

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Hello! This is my first time writing a fanfic like this so I honestly really hope you like this!
If you haven't already looked at the very bottom of the description I had put that Neteyam and Ao'nung would be 17 - 23 years old!
If you want you can listen to the songcord while reading!
also I do not own any of these drawings in the following chapters! I forgot their user on Twitter and tiktok so if you know their tags please put them in the comments!
Third person pov:
Neytiri and Jake had agreed to move to the waters for their family to be safer from the sky people. They held a ceremony where they had to 'kill' the chief in order to pass down the role of the chief to another person in the Omatikaya clan.
After the now new chief 'killed' the old chief who was Jake Sully, the sully family walked to their ikrans. The family couldn't describe how upset they were when it comes to leaving their home that had so many livid memories.

Neteyam's pov
Right before the ceremony I hugged every person I was close with and said my goodbyes to them. It wasn't easy leaving my closest friends and memories behind to start a new page but I had to carry on and move forward with my younger brother, my two younger sisters, and my parents. I'll admit, I'm pretty excited on what awaits me and my family.

Third person pov
Neteyam and his family has been traveling for three days to seek shelter. At this point the family has grew very tired for flying three days, but soon found the Metkayina clan which was a water clan that has different abilities than the forest clan.

Ao'nung's pov
I was just sitting at the beach shore while admiring the nature that was in front on me but then I heard the horn blow very loudly from up in the distance, I soon as I turned my head towards the direction where the horn blew loudly I saw Rotxo running towards me while panting a little bit since it was a long run from the village to me "Ao'nung! There is a family that looks 'odd' that just arrived here!" Rotxo had said while looking at the village and back to me, "Well then I guess we're gonna have to see this 'odd' family that you're describing of." I quickly said while calling over my ilu and connecting my queue to the ilu's. Rotxo was right behind me and we rode our ilu's until we get off of them and walked towards the crowd to see the family.

I cut through my way and saw the 'odd' family that Rotxo had mentioned a few minutes ago. I walked around the family until I see a rather tall na'vi who was around my age or is my age, he had yellowish green big eyes that suited him, his braided hair, he has this dark blue skin just like the rest of his family, he had on this brown loincloth that had a a little thick string around his waist, there was an this thing around his back and stomach, he would also have this headpiece thing that has a tooth on it at least I think it was tooth, his tail was thinner than mine, his forearms were thin as well. Next to the 8'2 boy what would looks like to be his younger brother, they both had greeted me and Rotxo by putting two fingers on his forehead and putting them down as in a way of saying 'I see you.', instead of me greeting them back I just ignored it and kept judging the strange boy and his brother. "Haha! Ao'nung! Look at their tails, they're so thin they probably won't be able to swim in our waters like that!" Rotxo exclaims while laughing quite loudly, I too laughed at them "Ha! they're all bunch of freaks." I exclaimed while I made my way to stand behind the two boys.

Neteyam's pov
We had landed to the island where the Metkayina clan lived at, I shortly heard a loud horn that had been blown by one of the villagers. I started to disconnect my queue from my ikran and got off to only see several villagers surrounding me and my family, I started to get a little anxious but I had to shove it done in order to present myself to the villagers properly. I stood there waiting with my family for the leaders to come and see what we wanted, I soon see two boys that looks like my age, one of them had braids but it was in a bun, he has turquoise kind of colored eyes, he had this mixed colors string necklace that had a somewhat sea creature's tooth on it, there was a armlet that I think had little sea shells on it, his skin was way lighter than me and my family's like the color of Celeste, his forearms were wider which looked like fins or are fins, and his tail seems to be way more different than mines and my family's. Me and my younger brother Lo'ak greeted him and his friend that was behind him with the 'I see you' greeting but he had ignored it as well his friend. They had went behind me and Lo'ak to judge our appearance "Haha! Ao'nung! Look at their tails, they're so thin they probably won't be able to swim in our waters like that!" His friend said that was right beside him while laughing loudly, "Ha, they're all bunch of freaks" I rolled my eyes as they stand behind me and Lo'ak.

I'll See You Again. (Neteyam x Ao'nung)Where stories live. Discover now