Chapter 3

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Chapter 3😓
But anyways enjoy chapter 3
Neteyam's pov
Last night with Ao'nung was frustrating...I don't get why he can't just accept my family just the way they are, I hope he doesn't come to the following lesson for today.

Spoke too soon. Turns out he's here.

"Okay! For today's lesson, we will be making a bond with one of our ilu's" I looked over to Tsireya who is explaining our schedule for today, "We'll go in the same groups like yesterday! But I do not know who Tuk would like to go with" a small silence fell over the group. I was carrying Tuk in my arms while everyone was patiently waiting for her answer, "I want to go with...with uh.." it took a little while for Tuk to answer but soon enough she answered, "I want to go with Neteyam!" She giggled as she buried her face into the crook of my neck, I could hear Lo'ak sigh in relief.

Everyone went into their groups just like yesterday's lesson, so obviously I'm stuck with Ao'nung, again. "If you want to live here, you have to ride" Ao'nung shot me a disgusted glance.

I gently put Tuk down into the water but I chuckled to the fact that the water went up to her throat, "You okay here, Tuk?" I slightly still chuckled, "Yes yes, teytey!" She looked flustered or even slightly annoyed, "Well okay then, I'll go first." I turned to Ao'nung but when I did I saw that he cracked a smile, it also seemed he was lost in thought.

"Ao'nung, I'll go first." I snapped him out of his trace of thought, "Oh, right." He shook his head side to side as in a way to shake off his thoughts, "Come over here and carefully make a bond with the ilu." I made my way over to the water creature and carefully made a bond with the majestical animal in front of me, as soon as I bonded with the ilu, I had let out a gasp because of how strong the grey animal is.
"Feel his strength and his breathing." Ao'nung's voice sounded soothing when he had said that, "Now get on on the ilu." I hopped onto the creature and adjusted myself properly but I felt a hand on my thigh and moving it to a better spot. "What? You weren't in the correct position.." he moved to the other side to do the same. I could feel my heart pounding. Why am I reacting like this? He's just re-adjusting my position.

Ao'nung's pov
When I had re-adjusted Neteyam's position by moving his thigh, his face turned into a dark shade of blue and I saw him look down at me with a serious expression, "What? You weren't in the correct position.." I rolled my eyes and went to the other side to do the same as before, he's such a freak.
Neteyam's pov
I couldn't stop my face from turning a darker shade of blue...I need to keep myself under control and relax. He's just re-adjusting my legs around the ilu...that's all.
Third pov
Ao'nung went around Neteyam and the ilu just so make sure Neteyam doesn't go flying off. When he assumes everything is okay, he gestures to Neteyam he could go now. Neteyam wasn't feeling confident enough but he just went along and whistled for the creature to start moving.
Neteyam's pov
Alright, don't back out now. I can do this...oh wait, we can do this. I whistled for the ilu to start was going so good until the ilu got distracted for a second and made a sharp turn...I got flung off as the ilu made the turn. I was looking around to find my ilu until I saw Ao'nung petting my ilu while grinning at me. "Neteyam! You really need to hold on harder!!" Exclaimed the cyan teenager, "Come back and try again." Eywa, please give me patience.
I swam back to Ao'nung to get back on the ilu, "You whistled after him, didn't you?" I had a serious tone in my voice as I asked him, "Maybe, Maybe not, who knows?" He shrugged as he replied back, "Come on now, try again." He encouraged me to get on the ilu and go again, "Remember where to put your legs on the ilu." He was about to place his hand on my thigh again just like before, but this time I looked away so he couldn't look at my darkened face. "You doing okay, forest boy?" I couldn't help but look at Ao'nung straight away as he had called me that, "I'm perfectly fine."
Ao'nung's pov
"I'm perfectly fine." Neteyam had a serious tone in his voice when he replied, I'm definitely going to whistlers after the ilu again. "Whenever you're ready" I stepped back a bit so he could have some space. The ilu started going forward at a rapid speed, I whistled again so get the ilu's attention, but little did I know that the ilu had a different plan in mind. As I whistled, the ilu started to turn around and come straight at me but Neteyam was still on the creature, next thing I know, the ilu did a curve and made Neteyam crash into me, sending us both underwater. "You idiot! Why did you call after the ilu again!?" Neteyam exclaimed after we resurfaced, "I didn't know he would come straight at me like that!"It got quiet after the shouting, all that filled the silence was the waves crashing against the rocks, and the breeze surrounding us. By now everyone had gotten a chance to make a bond with an ilu, everyone else left except us. "Beautiful sunset, right?" I tried to change the subject and forget what happened, "Yea, such a pretty view..." he looks so peaceful while watching the sunset. The sky is a mixture of orange and light blue, such wonderful colors. "I'm sorry for making your ilu fling you off" I rubbed my neck as I apologized to him, "It's okay, as long as I got to make a bond then I'm alright." He closed his eyes while smiling with his canines showing, he looks so peaceful.
Neteyam's pov
Maybe I shouldn't be too hostile against him...he is new to people like my family coming into his home. I noticed it was getting dark quickly, "We should head back now.." I turned to him, waiting for him to lead the way, "Alright then, let's go." Maybe he isn't so bad after all.
HELLO!!! Ik I've been gone for awhile (like a year now...) I got logged out of my acc but no worries now! I'm back and ready to update the fanfic!! Hope you liked chapter 3!

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 21 ⏰

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I'll See You Again. (Neteyam x Ao'nung)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt