Chapter 9

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The days after Lisa's birthday were extremely busy for both of them, but neither could go a day without seeing the other and always ended their days together. They still never stayed the night officially, but it got later and later when the other would leave.

It just became routine, one they easily settled into, but were reluctant to to acknowledge.

Lisa had been paying attention to the weather when she'd heard there was a possibility of a huge tropical storm and Lisa was praying it would miss them, knowing Roseanne's competition was in a few days.

With every new report, it was becoming highly unlikely that the competition would be happening. Lisa hoped when Roseanne found out, she wouldn't push her away especially after how they'd been since her birthday.

Lisa couldn't explain exactly what had happened, but she had felt the shift between them and knew Roseanne had as well. She was afraid to say anything in case Roseanne got scared and wanted to bail. Lisa didn't want to take that chance and would wait for her to take the lead for now.

She was a very patient person.

Plus, Roseanne was completely worth it.

Lisa checked the time and realized she'd been in the locker room longer than she'd anticipated as she had plans to have dinner with Roseanne at her house. Supposedly, her roommates were out for the evening and gave them the whole house to themselves.

Lisa planned to take full advantage of that fact. With both of them so busy, it was hard to find time to be together like they wanted. It was always quickies or oral and Lisa wanted more. She wanted a full night to appreciate all of Roseanne and explore every inch of her body. She got a taste of what could be on her birthday and Lisa desired more.

A lot more.

Checking to make sure she had all her stuff, Lisa made her way out to her jeep in order to head to Roseanne's. It had only been about twelve hours and she missed her. She still hadn't gotten enough of her especially after being gone an entire month.

She didn't think she'd ever get enough of Roseanne.

Pulling up, Lisa made her way inside without knocking. Last time she knocked she was told quite forcefully that she shouldn't bother knocking as she spent more time there than she did at her own place. Lisa wanted to refute it, but stammered and blushed and was laughed at for even attempting to say otherwise.

Looking around the kitchen and living room, she didn't find her favorite blonde, so Lisa made her way to her bedroom. Stepping into the bedroom, Lisa heard the shower running and smiled. She'd rushed over here after practice and hadn't showered as she got caught up in a conversation with her coach and then her thoughts.

Opening the door quietly, she heard Roseanne singing "Girls just wanna have fun". Lisa had to clamp her mouth shut to avoid laughing out loud and giving herself away. Quickly, she stripped out of her clothes and was already aroused imagining what was waiting for her in the hot shower.

Steam escaped when Lisa pulled the glass door open and stepped inside. Roseanne was standing directly under the showerhead and hadn't heard her, so Lisa leaned back and just appreciated the view. Roseanne was massaging shampoo into her hair and the little noises escaping her was turning Lisa on even more than she already was.

Unable to take anymore, Lisa pressed forward, startling Roseanne so much that she slipped and if it wasn't for Lisa's fast refLises would've fallen. Lisa caught her and immediately pressed her into the shower wall where Roseanne shivered at the feel of the cold tiles of her back. Lisa wasted no time connecting their lips and bodies, making them both moan in relief.

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