Chapter 19

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After what seemed like hours, Lisa heard the door creak open and footsteps approach her. She lifted her head to see Roseanne standing in front of her ringing her hands, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kept this from you," Lisa stood up, but didn't step closer, no matter how much Lisa wanted too. Roseanne stood there with her arms crossed and her expression on her face was angry. Lisa wasn't sure if it was all directed at her or the situation they found themselves in.

"What else?" Roseanne ordered and stepped closer and Lisa had to resist the urge to step back. She wasn't normally afraid of Roseanne, but seeing this fire in her had her questioning her safety slightly.

"Bona called because there is another video. She's been on the lookout just in case and umm..." Lisa stumbled over her words.

"Spit it out," Roseanne requested in a deadly serious manner.

"Last night...we..." Lisa tilted her head towards the balcony and saw Roseanne's eyes follow her movement. "It's all over the internet and Bona had called to warn me, but we were occupied..." Lisa blushed scarlet and stared at her girlfriend and watched the realization wash over her.

"They recorded us?" the color drained from Roseanne's face. She felt numb. She felt violated. She felt humiliated and angry and it came crashing down all at once, "you're standing here telling me that someone out there-" she pointed quickly toward the glass door, "was close enough that they recorded us fucking and put it on the internet??"

"Roseanne, I-"

"I don't know, like...." Roseanne shoved her hands into her hair, angry and hurt tears falling freely down her face from emotions she couldn't keep in check as she started to pace rapidly back and forth in front of Lisa, "like you're just telling me what you had for fucking breakfast?" she stopped. She whirled on Lisa, "is that what you're saying??"

"I feel like anything I say won't be the right answer so how about I just keep my mouth shut," Lisa's heart pounded away in her chest and knew that Roseanne was feeling violated and all other sorts of emotions coursing through her so Lisa just shook her head which was the absolute worst thing for her to do it turns out.

'Keep your mouth shut??" Roseanne stared at her hard, "well it seems you're fucking good at doing that I guess so why not?" she strode forward and held her hand open, "let me see it. The video." she glared at Lisa. She glared at the door. She glared at Lisa again.

Lisa reached down and scooped her phone up and pulled the video back up. She handed it over to Roseanne who almost ripped it out of her hand. Lisa rubbed a hand over her face as Roseanne turned the volume on and the sounds of them fucking last night echoed through the silent apartment. Lisa grimaced hearing every word she said until it finally ended.

Roseanne felt frozen, even her thoughts seemed unable to move. Her skin felt cold and clammy and she had a death-grip on Lisa's phone, staring at it, at the 'replay' button that she didn't hit, did not need to hit, after the video had ended.

What happened last night, had been so beautiful to her. It was something they had shared together and someone had ..taken it away. Her own cries couldn't be heard in the rain in the video and slowly she started breathing again, and as she did her eyes finally sought out the name of the user that uploaded the video, "azgedawarrior7." she muttered, and tossed the phone, harder than she meant to, onto Lisa's couch. But rage had built up suddenly until it exploded in her and the phone in her hand was her only outlet. Roseanne felt trapped in her own skin with nowhere to go. She flung herself onto the couch after it. She got up instantly and started storming around the room, "who the fuck did this shit to us. And why? I don't fucking know what to do now and you, you...." she whipped around to Lisa, but her words trailed off, burned out, especially by the fearful and worried and angry look in her girlfriend's stormy green eyes, Roseanne finally sank to the floor.

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