Chapter 27

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Lisa was doing her best not to pace, and she had succeeded so far. But it was difficult. Detective Kane and his partner were due to show up soon and she was nervous for Roseanne to speak to them.

"Lis, it's okay." Roseanne said softly, and Lisa turned from the window she'd been staring out of to look at her. Roseanne tried a brave smile. But it didn't reach her eyes.

Lisa moved forward and sat at the edge of the bed, "you're sure?" she asked, "we can call and cancel." Earlier that day Kane had called her to let her know they would be by today. Lisa had agreed after speaking to Roseanne who had been surprised that they waited as long as they did. But soon sound out that Abby refused them entry when they came by the day after Roseanne was rescued. Lisa was grateful because she knew that Roseanne wasn't ready to talk to them at the time, and honestly, she wasn't entirely sure that Roseanne was ready now either.

"I'm fine. I'm ready to talk to them," Roseanne insisted, but sitting there, Lisa saw the hitch in her breathing and the tears in her eyes. Roseanne reached for her hand and laced their fingers together, "it's something I have to do. I need to do it."

"Okay," Lisa agreed reluctantly, "but if it gets too be too much, I'll ask them to leave."

"I know you will," Roseanne replied and squeezed Lisa's fingers gently.

Lisa stared for a moment and couldn't help but think how brave Roseanne was trying to be despite everything that had happened, "Do you need anything before they get here?" Lisa could see the bags under her eyes, the clench of her jaw and her shoulders tense. No matter how much Roseanne pretended to be okay, Lisa knew better.

"No, I'm okay," Roseanne shook her head with a sad smile She glanced at the door and then at Lisa again, "I just want to get this over with."

"Whatever you need, love," Lisa kissed her knuckles and got a small genuine smile from Roseanne, "Do you want me to stay when they get here or..." Lisa didn't get to finish because Roseanne bolted up in bed, wincing as she did.

" stay with me..." Roseanne's face had paled and her eyes widened in fear and Lisa hated herself for causing that reaction, "Don't leave me, Lis!"

"Baby, calm down, I'm right here. It's okay. I'll be right next to you the entire time, okay?" Lisa stroked her thumb across Roseanne's knuckles trying to calm her girlfriend down, "I'm not going anywhere. I love you, Roseanne. I love you so much."

Roseanne hiccuped as tears streamed down her face, "I love you too. I'm sorry you have to deal with all of this. You don't deserve...deserve to have to handle any of this. I'm broken..." Roseanne whimpered and Lisa felt her own eyes fill up with tears.

"I love you, Roseanne. The good, the bad and the everything in between. This is just a bump in the road, love. That's all. We'll get through this together. I want to be here with you. There is no other place I'd rather be, Roseanne," Lisa rushed out and raised her hand, but hovered until Roseanne nodded. Only than did she brush away Roseanne's tears away with her fingers, "You're it for me, Roseanne. I'm here as long as you want me to be."

More tears spilled out, but she nodded, "I'll always want you, Lis, but are you sure? I'm a mess," Roseanne mumbled and stared at her with tear stained cheeks.

"I'm absolutely sure, love. You're not broken nor are you a mess," Lisa did her best to make Roseanne believe her, but felt like she was failing her yet again, "I've seen you when you're a mess in the mornings after a rough night and this isn't it, babe," Lisa's heart fluttered when a small chuckle escaped from Roseanne.

"I love you, Lis," Roseanne whispered reverently, "so much."

"That's a good thing because I love you more, Roseanne," Lisa wanted so badly to kiss Roseanne, but restrained herself even though her eye flickered down to Roseanne's lips and back up. She saw Roseanne doing the same thing before she licked her lips. She nodded and Lisa moved closer without even realizing it.

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