Will you love me for eternity?

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I'll give you guys a break from the angst



I am in shock, to say the least. I mean, I just caught monkey king and Macaque making out when I was peeking through the window trying to surprise monkey king. Instead of me surprising him, he surprised me. I guess it got pretty heated once I heard a faint moan coming from monkey king. So that was my cue to leave, so I ran and went to find Mei. I remember that she said she was going to the arcade with Red Son as he like never went there at all which is a serious crime.

I finally arrived at the arcade and saw Red Son and Mei playing a video game with each other. Things have been going well between the three of us, especially Mei and Red Son if I do say so myself.

"OI MEI AND RED SON!" I shouted hoping they would hear me over the noise.

"MK!" We shared a hug before Red Son came up to us and started walking outside the arcade.

"Whats up noodle boy?"

"Well, boy do I have the news for you. But first let's get ice-cream and sit at a park together." I smiled brightly.

The news is a lot to take in, so we must be seated down before anything. We tracked down an ice-cream truck, argued over what's the best ice-cream flavour before FINALLY sitting down. Gods we are so chaotic. Never make it 10 minutes without arguing over something stupid. I mean I can't talk can I?

"So what's the news MK?" Mei took a huge lick of her ice-cream before turning to me, Red Son's attention was also towards me.

"Ok, I am just gonna cut to the chase"

"Ok..." Red Son was hesitant not sure if he actually wanted to hear it or not.

"I caught monkey king and Macaque making out." Mei dropped her ice-cream while Red Son just stared in utter disbelief.

"Excuse me? Monkey king, aka Sun Wukong and Macaque making out? Don't they hate each other-"

"Look I'm just as confused as you are Red Son so don't come asking me those questions."

"Alright jeez noodle boy" Red Son went back to licking his ice-cream while Mei just sat there in shock. God knows how long she has been like that.

We just started talking about how the hell this was even possible until Red Son just finally suggested that why don't we just ask him ourselves. AT first that sounded like a horrible idea because he would question how would we know blah blah or what we were even doing. But then I started forgetting all that and now FINALLY wanting answers.

We finished our ice-creams and heading straight towards Flower Fruit Mountain to get those damn answers. I'm his student, he should tell me everything ESPECIALLY stuff like this. I gotta know.

POV Wukong

I was tired and snuggled up to Macaque. We have been dating for while now, ever since LBD started her reign and when he first attacked us once I got the map and I was injured. Since then, it has just felt like paradise I guess. I didn't realise I was purring against his chest until I heard a slight chuckle.

"Comfortable peaches?"

"Yes so shut up" I snuggled closer feeling his arms wrap around me tighter pulling me in closer.

I just don't know how I'm going to tell MK. Like, me and Macaque just hated each other for a while then all of a sudden we are dating? What am I supposed to say 'hey MK, Macaque and I are dating now' This has been bugging me off for a little bit, Macaque must have sensed my discomfort because he started running fingers through my fur.

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