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So just watched season 4 and omg it was something special, though Red Son's voice when DBK was taken away breaks my heart.

They better make a season 5, because I have so many questions.

Anyway, now some oneshots I write will be based on season 4 SOME

But I have a thought/theory regarding Wukong and Macaque, and I'm sure some people think the same or have the idea.

Of course Wukong killed Macaque which is why they hate each other and the reason why their relationship is fucked up. But I believe that there is more to that.

So, Macaque said that Wukong had abandoned him/left him. That is correct because he left to go on that journey and "never" came back. He also said that Wukong left him because he got stronger and left him thinking he isn't worthy enough to be his friend. That, I believe is a misunderstanding. In a way that is true because he did become more powerful, but in a way that isn't true.

I will come back to that later.

But in season 4, azure lion revealed some info that confirmed my idea slightly. They said they were all sworn brothers and they all had an alliance and had one goal, go to heaven and kick their ass. So while they were fighting against heaven, Wukong picked a fight he couldn't win and the Jade Emperor had beaten him.

Now, azure lion revealed that after he got beaten by the Jade Emperor, he betrayed them and gave into heaven and was a part of them, fighting with heaven. That may also be true, but then again that is only the surface. There is more than meets the eye.

What I think is that, when azure lion said that Wukong betrayed them, it shows a scene where Wukong is bowing to the monk and receiving the golden fillet. This brings me to my next point, azure lion and the others thought that Wukong gave in, but in reality, he didn't.

You see, Wukong was forced to go on the journey to the west. The reason why azure lion and the rest of the group thought that Wukong betrayed them was because he went on that journey with the monk. Wukong wasn't able to leave because of the golden fillet, the only times he left was when the monk was done with his shit and exiled him, but later accepted him back.

That brings me to my next point that Wukong and the monk didn't get along as people thought they did. Yes, they respected each other but their respect towards each other is forced. Because to come to think of it, how would you feel if you had this thing around your head that gives you a massive head ache when it tightens around you and someone uses that power on you for multiple occasions. Which is my other headcanon.

So, it was said that Wukong promised Macaque that once he was done with heaven he would come back to him and live happily on ffm, but he never did and instead kill Macaque. Now this brings me to my next point. Since Wukong is forced to go on the journey, I believe that he originally kept his promise and come back. But I think that Macaque was driven by jealousy and rage that Wukong managed to find new "friends". Wukong never got along with Zhu Bajie, that is clear. They both hate each other but at times they do get along as they consider themselves as brothers.

So back to my point about Wukong leaving Macaque and never coming back, is that the journey took longer than anticipated. When Wukong came back to ffm during the LBD arch in jttw, he stayed with Macaque and was happy until he had to go back. He originally didn't want to help him nor go back but he realised what Guanyin, Jade Emperor, or Buddha could do to him if he didn't protect him and aid him on the journey. So he left again leaving Macaque longely, jealous, and angry.

Wukong would have came back to Macaque after the journey, all Macaque had to do was believe and trust in Wukong and to be patient and wait for him.

Macaque wanted to take his anger out on the one person that was keeping Wukong away from him. The monk hence why he wanted to kill the monk and attacked him. I believed that Wukong had no choice but to fight him because he had to protect the monk at all costs. Of course the fight got out of hand and Wukong killed Macaque, which of course is not ok no matter the situation. But regardless, if Macaqure and Wukong talked things through and if Macaque let Wukong explain his situation he is during the journey, things would have ended differently.

But it isn't too late. If Wukong and Macaque talk things through now, they could still reconcile with each other. Of course it will be hard for Macaque to forgive Wukong for killing him, but it will allow Macaque to understand the situation better.

I think Wukong doesn't hate Macaque, he just pretends he does. I think he still cares for him and feels extremely guilty about what he had done. Wukong is implusive and does things without thinking, which leads him to do things he regrets later and later has to deal with the consequences of his actions.

Overall in my opinion, I think the whole reason why they hate each other is all based on miscommunication and a whole big missunderstanding. Of course the fact that Wukong killed Macaque, but the reasoning behind that is all a misunderstanding.

This shows how communication is important and to trust and believe in your best friend in what they promise. I don't think that Wukong left Macaque because he was more powerful, but because of that journey.

So yea, that is what I think. Of course you don't have to agree with me, but it is somehting I have thought about and pieced together. Though I do think that SOME of this is true. But keep in mind this is what I think and what I believe and you don't have to agree with me at all.

Sooooo ya, big brain

School is starting soon so I may not update as much but I will try get update at least once every fortnight.

I am working on a one shot currently and have a few things in mind that I am planning to do, but if I don't feel like doing that I will leave requests so you can give me some ideas and whatnot.

Requests >>>>>>



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