Why are werewolves so damn quick..?

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Y/N and Ace..

We were sitting in the car, we had just left his parents house. I had a fun idea though, what if i teased him??

I let out a quiet moan and watched him to see if he would notice as I set my hands behind the headrest on the seat. Sure enough I saw his hands grip the wheel a little bit tighter. "Perfect!" I thought to myself as I spread my legs a little bit, this caused him to set his hand on my inner thigh squeezing it a tiny bit. Of course feeling like I should tease him more I let out a moan quietly and sighed loudly. God, I couldn't wait to get home.

"Stop teasing me, I know what your game is.." he said with his rough voice. His voice always comes from deep inside his chest and makes me throb..if only he knew how much power he has with that voice of his.

He chuckled when I squirmed around in the seat due to him squeezing my thigh again, but this time a little harder.

"I just have no clue what you're talking about, Sir" I fluttered my eyelashes looking up at him

"Don't, Y/n you're really testing my patience right now.." he grimly said as we pulled into the drive way

I quickly got up and open my door, I threw it open and booked it inside and up the stairs. He hates when I run up the stairs because one time I slipped on a step and fell and hurt my knee. From that point on he told me if he caught me doing that again that he would bend me over his lap and spank me either with his hand, belt, or even a paddle. You know. God when he told me that I became wet.

Anyways, I heard the door open and then I heard it, he growled it was loud and so close to my ear. Knowing what he is, a werewolf, meant he had an advantage. I half wanted him to catch up to me and punish me and I also half wanted to tease him and lock myself in our bedroom and touch myself.

So what did I do?? I of course ran into the room, but I didn't lock the door..

Seconds later he bursted through the door way walking up to me and grabbing me by the hips, slamming me into the wall. I landed with a groan from impact. He got close to my ear and growled.."now that wasn't smart how was it..love?"

I closed my eyes as I felt him push his head into the crook of my neck. I felt him kiss down to my collarbone. I moaned as he sunk his teeth into my precious soft skin. It ached but at the same time felt amazing. "Fuck" I said as I drove out the F, while biting my lip. My eyes started to water a little bit.

"Now now love, don't cry..even though you look beautiful crying, I would rather you be crying while you are under me" he whispered into my ear as soon as he released my skin. Blood pooled at the mark and soon started running down my collarbone, hitting my red dress. I'm now glad I chose this color.

I moan as I feel his feather like lips touching my skin again. I feel as he reaches behind me pulling my back a tiny bit forward so he is able to access the zipper. I feel the cold wall slowly touch my back as he sets me against it, pulling the zipper down to my butt.

I slide my arms out from the red dress and it slides down to rest at my hips. Under the dress I was wearing just a normal bra that I had gotten. Nothing special. I felt him run his finger tips up my spine and grab onto the back of my bra, opening it. I laid my arms down slowly bringing them to my sides as I felt the fabric fall off my shoulders, then my arms. I heard it hit the floor.

Once it hit the floor he grabbed my dress which was still resting at my hips and pulled it the rest of the way off, up and over my head. I suddenly felt him latch onto my nipple, biting down on it. He would suck my nipples so hard sometimes that they would turn purple and have bruises. I moaned as I felt it in between his teeth and him pulling it. I pulled his hair as I felt his hand slide down my body. Reaching my hips.

He suddenly yanked my hips close to him, which caused my body to leave the once cold wall. He placed me on the bed and got up to get into our closet. God, I could only wonder what he was getting. He slowly moved over to me with a smirk. I knew he had found what he was looking for. I tried looking down at his hands, but as soon as I lowered my eyes he grunted..

"You don't understand what a surprise is huh? If I wanted you to know what I have love I would have brought everything out and picked it in front of you. I didn't though, now did I? No. So eyes up here!" He said pointing to his eyes on a demanding way. I felt him straddle my hips and push me against the bed. I felt him slightly lift my head up and put a soft fabric on me, which laid against my eyes making it so I wasn't able to see.

I groaned. "I can't see anything.." I soon yelped when I felt his rough hands come down harshly on my inner thighs.

"It's ok love, im not going to hurt you.." he reassured me.

" I need you to calm down you're tense" he said rubbing my stomach right above my underwear, but I couldn't calm down. My body was far too excited and it was waiting for what his next move would be. I moaned when I felt him kiss my sides. As he lifted his head up I felt his hot breath.

"God..can you just like, I don't know, do something. I don't care if you pull down my panties, or touch me, or even eat me out. Just do something please" I begged him

"Fine darling, but you teased me and tested my patience earlier so be warned that I am not going to be kind and soft like I usually am. But you do know your safe word correct?" Ace asked me sternly with a straight face

"Yes sir!" I replied shaking my head up and down

"Alright then say it." Ace said in a whisper closer to my ear

"If I say red it means stop immediately, but if I say yellow it means slow down or stop for a few." I said annoyed and to get on with it already

"Good girl, now stay still for me and spread your legs.." Ace said while grabbing onto my thighs. I did just as told with a whimper. I felt as he yanked down my underwear exposing me to the cold air. I held my breath for a second. I felt the bed lift, letting me know that he had gotten off. I felt him adjust my hips to the end of the bed and then I felt him open my thighs. I tried to sit up as soon as I heard a vibration, but he just pushed me back down and growled.

"Love, I will never hurt you and know that it's ok to say your safe word. Don't feel like you are pressured and like it's wrong for you to use it." Ace reassured me

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