Their employee

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Bosses x Worker (y/n)

As I walked I heard the clicking of my heels against the marble floors whilst looking around I suddenly received a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and faced another employee "uh. Hello!" I was unsure of what to say due to how early in the morning it was.
"Hey, the bosses were talking about you when you weren't here and I don't know what they were saying. All I know is that your name was said." She said, looking at me.
"Oh? Uhm thank you for letting me know." I said to her as I sped walked away, I knew what this was about. They were going to come and find me just to lecture me about not being in my office when they needed me. This isn't the first time they've lectured me on this, this is the second time. You see I slept through my alarm this morning and so I was running late and i still haven't had my coffee so I don't see this going well. As I arrived at my office I threw my stuff down and started looking for somewhere to hide because honestly I didn't want to be lectured for being late. It happens to everyone every once and a while. I let out a sigh when I realized it was no use because they have a key to my office and so they will just get in within seconds anyway. As I was pulling my stuff out and setting it on my desk I heard a knock and I quickly ran over and opened the door putting on a smile.

"Good morning." I said nervously as they looked at me
"Morning.." they all said together looking down upon me.
"So we noticed you were not exactly on time..may i ask why?" Mr. Reid asked
"I'm sorry it won't happen again but I overslept and I was gonna get my coffee on the way but I just didn't have time and the line was longer and there was a small bit of traffic.." I apologized quickly while I looked down, too embarrassed to face them.
"Darling, this is the second time within a month are you sure everything is ok?" Mr. Finnegan asked me as I slowly nodded in response he sighed and asked me to follow them. When we arrived at their office they slowly closed the door and looked at me.
"Doll I'm going to ask again is everything ok? I'm sorry if we are bothering you but we just want to make sure you're ok." Mr. Pierce asked again.
"Yes I'm fine, I promise sir. I just overslept, I stayed up too late and so I overslept in response." I responded looking up to face them.
"Ok if you say so doll." Mr Pierce responded looking down at me. Me and him stared at each other for what felt like forever until someone cleared their throat which made me look away.
"Sorry, I apologize." I said looking down. I walked to the door but was stopped when someone stepped in front of me, it was Mr. Reid. Slowly he moved forwards making me back up in return. He kept moving and so did i until i hit something, it was a chair so i sat down while looking to see if he had stopped, which he did.

Suddenly out of nowhere I felt the chair being spun to face the desk. When I finally faced the desk I stopped and just sat there waiting for what was gonna happen, soon I felt someone's hands on my shoulders. "Relax, Darling you're safe." Mr. Finnegan whispered in my ear slowly massaging my shoulders and neck. Slowly I began to relax and feel calm. I laid my head back against the chair and breathed out as he slowly worked his way down and reached my collar bone. I exhaled a deep breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Does that feel good?" I heard someone ask from in front of me, slowly looking and seeing Mr. Reid and Mr. Pierce sat down on the two chairs in front of the desk. I slowly nodded my head showing that it did as they kept their eyes on me. I slowly laid my head back and closed my eyes so I could just lay and relax on what Mr. Finnegan was doing. Slowly his hands moved down again and I felt him massage right above my chest. Suddenly he stopped and I looked up to see him looking down at me. "Anyways darling i think we need to get back to work.. I apologize" Mr. Finnegan said to me, slowly pulling the chair back. I looked at him in shock once he said that and slowly got up and moved towards the door and exited.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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