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Mikey's pov

Raph said that we should try to get some training out on the beach so we can get more used to sand and water,or something like that I wasn't paying attention.Anyway we jumping and flipping our way along New York when Leo started talking.
"Wonder if we could do this in the farm lands" "ooo with all the moo moos" I love moo moos "yea with the moo moos!" Donnie had to be big brain and ruin the brother brother moment we were having "one it's not farm land,two there cows" "okay mr baskay ball" raph responded,that's where I fell.

I felt my shell hit the congregate and a pop noise. I don't feel pain,is that normal should this hurt? Do I get up? Should I just stay here? What do I do. I was frozen for a long while until I heard leo rushing down to help me. "Mikey don't move I'm coming, your gonna be okay,okay? Don't move just keep breathing I'm coming"  I saw him zooming down as fast as he could,he looked so worried I hate making my brothers worried,I started to sit up "I'm fine leo promise,I'm okay" then I felt a sharp pain like I got stabbed. "Lay back down" I Heard leo demand well if I can't play it off I might as well listen so I laid back down till leo was down there with me.

"What hurts?" He asked "My left shoulder and the right bottom of my shell" I responded "on a scale of 1-10" "8.7" leo sat me up. It hurt it hurt really really bad. "Oh shit mikey" that made me worry "you cracked it.." I've never cracked my shell before "am I gonna die?" I asked scared "no not if we get back to the lair soon,donnie and raph left to go get the turtle tank we'll get you home safe" I nodded,I didn't wanna talk it hurt to breathe. " do you know why you slipped? Did you lose balance did you get dizzy or bury?" I shook my head no "I was just laughing to hard and wasn't paying attention" this time leo nodded "do you wanna know how else you hurt yourself?" I nodded "well you scraped your arm pretty bad and dislocated your shoulder and cracked your shell" no wonder it hurts so bad,everything started to go black tho,I grabbed Leo's hand and tried to tell him but nothing came out,nothing but mumbles and choking sounds. I felt leo squeeze my hand and wet drops on my forehead,I tried to open my eyes to see more but I couldn't see anything "don't leave me please please please hold on please you can't leave yet we're so young"

I heard the turtle tank and I felt cold water get splashed onto my face and get turned onto my stomach then I felt more pain more sharp pain,this pain was a burning pain on my shell and the back of my arm,I know this feeling it's rubbing alcohol,but it's ten times worse then what it normally feels like. I can't see, I can't talk I can only feel and it hurts it really really hurts.

That's all I remember next thing I now I'm in my bed wrapped up like a mummy, I'm thirsty, so I tried getting up to walk to the kitchen but my shell hurt, I got up anyway and was holding onto my wall shuffling to the kitchen I bumped into leo on my way there. "Mikey what are you doing up?" Before I could answer he was shoving me into my room and onto my bed. "Did you guys get to train?" Leo laugh "of course that's what your worried about, yes we did but we didn't do anything new just review in the lair,now relax I got you some of Aprils soup and water" he handed me a warm bowl of soup and a cold water bottle "when your done with that take two of the blue pills and three of the red ones blues gonna help with the pain and red with help speed up the healing process" he put down two bottles of pills on my nightstand "leo can you get donnie to let me barrow his tablet?" Leo nodded and left the room.

Ten minutes later donnie walked in "here I got you my table to watch Spider-Man I know you love it,and my Nintendo don't brake it tho" he placed the electronics on my bed,and grabbed my shoulder "please please heal up quickly dont try to move okay? If you need something call us" I nodded and he hugged me softy I know he wanted to hug me tighter but he knew better then to do that before he walked out of my room I called him "hey Donnie?" "Hm?" "...has dad asked about me?"  Donnie froze for a bit thinking "...the night we came back he was sleeping so he didn't see you hurt but when we went out for pizza he asked where you were and we told him that you were in your room but since then he hasn't asked.." donnie told me "when did you guys get pizza?" "Two days ago,eat your soup tho" he said before walking out of the room
... dad didn't ask about me

I least this soup is good...is that running? Just then april burst through my door "MIKEY? ARE YOU OKAY?" She ran up to me cupping my face and trying to look everywhere for wounds "april I'm fine" I tried telling her but she interrupted me "who.did.this." Leo came rushing in "April get off him he needs space,also he fell,he'll be okay I promise" "if you say so if you need anything mikey call me" she said patting my head as they both walked out,I finished my soup took my pills and drank my water,I turned on a Spider-Man movie and slowly fell asleep


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