All better

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Mikey's pov

It's been a week and I'm not gonna lie I've been loving it.Aprils been making me food so much good soup and Donnie let's me use his electronics without me begging.but today was my check up so that means it's gonna end soon,but at least I can get back to training.

Leo walked it and helped me sit up.It hurt a bit not like a stabing more like a sore muscle pain "you been taking your meds?" Leo asked me and I nodded and he started to unwrap my arm now all that was left was dry blood,he was wiping it off and all that was left was a little car scratch looking scar nothing to bad. "I think that's done healing, it looks good" Leo informed me as he started unwrapping my shower "move it in a circle like motion" I did as I was told and I heard a pop.Leo started checking my shoulder "it's fine it's gonna keep poping like that for a bit" he told me and I nodded.He started to unwrap my shell,he was nervous I can tell but so am I. He fully unwrapped my shell and told me to lay on my tummy so I did, I felt him pushing down on my shell a bit "tell me if this hurts at all" he said as he pressed harder and harder in one spot "it doesn't hurt it's just a lot more sensitive now" I told him and he nodded "yea I figured you'll be okay give it two more days mkay?"
I nodded and layed back on my back "can you get april to get me more soup?" I asked him and he nodded opening the door to a worried raph and Donnie. He shut the door and I tried to listen to what they were saying but all I heard were lil mumbles.

Not even 15 minutes later april ran in with some soup and fruit punch " mikey! I got food for you to feast on!" She yelled even tho she was like 15 feet away- she handed me the food and say at the end of my bed just watching me "...are you just gonna sit there?" I asked her a bit worried about her answer but she shook her head no and walked out after hugging me so I gladly feasted on my food.

{two days later}

Leo was doing his check up and everything seemed to be in top condition.So I was finally aloud to leave my room,good thing I could walk to. I got up and started making my way around the lake and went into Donnie's lab to show him all the new cool redesigns I made for his battle shell while I was hurt. I knocked on the door "hm?" Was his response so I knew I could come in. The second I walked in I felt him hug me "oh my god are you okay? Do you feel better? Do you need anything?" He asked me "nope! I'm good I came to show you the art I made!" I said pulling out the redesigns I made. He flipped his white Bord to show the side filled with the drawings I made him and we stuck the new ones on there. "Damn mikey these are good,really new" "thanks!" He gave me one more hug before going back to work.

I was walking in the halls backward for some reason and I bumped into raph,I'm not mad about it hes the person I was looking for anyway "mikey? Your okay?" He asked, I nodded in response and he hugs me almost crying "I was so worried,are you sure your okay?" "I'm fine I promise" I said as I hugged him back. "Can we go to the beach again tomorrow?" I asked when he finally let me go. He stood there for a minute just thinking looking me up and down "um sure but your gonna train easy and we're taking the turtle tank" "yay! Thank you raph!" I gave him a big hug and started walking to my room.

Once I got to my room I pulled out my spray paints and started walking out of the sewers when Leo stopped me "where are you going?" He asked with a hand on my shoulder. "To do graffiti?" I responded "no your not" he said pushing me back inside "why notttt?" I complained "Because I don't trust you out there by yourself yet besides it's day time"  "ughhh" he pushed me in my room and shut the door,might as well work on a different type of art, so I got out my canvas and some paint and started working on the family portrait I was working on but then I fell asleep on it and ended up messing it up.

My sunflower Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang