{{Chapter 1}}

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"Don't touch my stuff ever again!" He yelled while holding me down on the floor and punching my face. I tried to get up but I couldn't, I saw a book on the floor and I was able to reach it. I took the book and punched my brother right in the face.

He let go of me and I ran as fast as possible to my room and hold the door. My brother started banging on them.

"Get away from me!" I screamed while crying but did he listen? No.

So I took my ugly ass skateboard and ran past him outside. I got on to my skateboard and try to do something but I fell and fell and fell. I almost gave up but I pulled myself together and tried again but it didn't work.

I went back inside and turned on my TV to calm down. I wasn't scared of my brother randomly abusing me again because my mom was sitting next to me.

"Darling, go to bed it's to late to be watching TV" my mom looked at me and smiled.

I went to my room, read some of my magazines and went to sleep.

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