{{chapter 8}}

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"leo!!!" Stevie screamed and punched his head.

"What the fuck?" Leo said and hit him in the face.

That was a weird experience, why are they hitting each other for no reason? Just why? I was really confused. I sat back down on the ground, picked up a cigarette and started smoking.

After the break I Decided to practice again. I tried doing an Ollie but I fell. That really hurt but whatever.

"Mickey?" I whispered while touching his shoulder. "Can you teach me how to do some tricks please?" I asked with a sad look in my face.

"Yea sure I guess" Mickey said.

We practices for hours but it started getting late, and because of my strict mother I had to go home.

*at home*

"Henry, where were you?!"

"I was with my friends!" I yelled and slammed my room doors. I putted on some music and lied down.

After couple of minutes, when my mom fell asleep and I decided to go outside and practice.

I took my board and headed outside. I tried doing a kick flip. I tried and tried and tried but then I finally did it!!

"Oh my goodness!!!" I started screaming of you and jumping around. I finally did it, I was really happy and excited to show it off to my new friends.


Word count: 222

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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