~Chapter 5: Worn out Faces~

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He pulled the blanket over him as he curled up next to a heavily sleeping Sprite. He wrapped the exhausted girl in his arms, rocking her back and forth. Sick. How could he not see the signs? The exhaustion. The way her powers faltered when they first returned. Giving her some of his own magic obviously hadn't solved the issue. She only grew weaker and unable to digest anything. He watched as she slept, her chest rising and falling smoothly. He pressed a hand to her forehead. Cooler. He let out a breath. Her fever had died down. How pleased Frigga would be with him. Fresh tears came to his eyes at the thought of his mother, and he quickly wiped at his eyes furiously. He laid beside Sprite, holding her much closer now. Her lips appeared hydrated, and the dark circles had vanished. He would try to get her to eat more tomorrow. The both of them needed to replenish their energy for at least 2 days. Then he would figure out what their next steps would be. He allowed himself to fall asleep, his daughter in his arms, snoring softly.
Water dripped from an unseen ceiling, causing ripples to spread and grown in the puddle in front of him. A dank smell permeated the air, sticking to his clothes, the cold air nipping at his skin, causing him to shiver. The silence was almost deafening. Then, there was red. Like the dark had exploded. A violent, bright red. Stars. Galaxies floating side by side. Various constellations. Loki knew the names of them all. He wanted to reach out and touch one. As the image edged closer to him, he saw that some of them weren't stars- but orbs. Dark green ones. It looked like a Christmas festival in the cosmos. As he thought this, the red faded as if sucked by a drain, leaving the inky black sky and planets he was accustomed to seeing. The Midgardian's view of the galaxy. As he turned, he started as one of the green orbs was mere inches from his face. Whispers emulated from it. They surrounded him, the words a black ribbon of silk, twisting themselves in his ears, commanding him. He lifted a hand, and cautiously and slowly reached out for it. His hand trembled as he reached... until the orb sucked him in, and a tirade of images flashed in his vision. The cries of the TVA workers. The yells of battle. He-Who-Remain's laughter. Sylvie's lovely face twisted in a mask of agony and despair, blood staining her face-
"-wake up now!" Loki let out a gasp, bolting upright and clawing at the air in front of him, until he realized there was nothing there. Once he looked around the room, identifying the familiar space, the hideous shiny grey drawers pushed against the wall, no windows, the small table with two chairs pushed in. Sprite hovered a hand over them, obviously prepared to disintegrate the nightmare. Her cheeks gained color now, her hair shiny under the light from being washed, her brown eyes full of genuine worry. "Dad, you're safe. You're okay." She placed a hand on his cheek, pushing him back gently. Loki ran a hand through his sweaty locks, combing the curls at the nape of his neck with his fingers. He slumped back, letting out a sigh. "What happened?" Sprite looked at him as if he were speaking Mandarin. "You were having a nightmare. You lost control." Loki sat up again. "Did I hurt you?" He demanded to know. Sprite put her hands up. "Jesus, relax. I'm fine." Loki let out a breath, closing his eyes, dropping his head to his chest. Sprite put a hand on his arm, stroking it. "What did you see?" She whispered. Loki sniffed. "You wouldn't understand," he told her, echoing Sylvie's words when they first questioned her. Thinking of Sylvie made Sprite's heart tug painfully, and she banished the thought. "Try me." Loki looked up at her, amusement shown in his eyes. "Everything already started strange," he began in a low voice. "Then it was as if everything exploded. Stars were everywhere. It looked as if I were in a red galaxy. There were these... orbs. And they were dark green." When he said this, all that came to Sprite's mind was the red and green garlands they strung across the mantle during Christmas in their Midgardian home. But thinking about Dyker Heights hurt too. "And?" She prompted him. He took a shuddering breath. He was silent for a few moments. "I-I don't remember," he said. Sprite wrapped her arms around him. "It's okay. You'll be okay," she told them. After a few seconds in the embrace, Sprite released him and looked him in the eyes. "Can you try to remember anything?" Loki swallowed as Sylvie's face flashed before him. "No."

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