~Chapter 15: I Found You~

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Everything erupted into a blinding light. Loki adjusted his eyes, and looked around himself. Endless nothingness. It was pitch black with the sound of dripping water far away. When he set his eyes on the space in front of them, he found a small figure curled into itself. He immediately ran over to it, shaking it awake. "Spritey, Sprite-" the figure bolted upwards, letting out gasps for air. "It's okay. It's me. You're safe." Once she immediately recognized him, she stilled. "Dad?" "Oh, sweetheart!" Loki wrapped her in his arms, stroking her hair with shaking hands, tears forming in his eyes. "It's okay. You're okay." "Dad, I thought you'd leave me..." "No, I would never." "I'm so sorry..." "Shhhh. Don't worry about that now. We're running out of time. I can't hold the spell for too long. You're going to have to break out of it." Sprite shook her head. "No, I can't- I'm afraid!" "You have to. Fight for yourself. Show him how strong a daughter's rage brought on by her father can be. Come to me, my love. I will pull you through." He stood and extended a hand. "Dad..." "Please, darling." She looked at his outstretched hand and slowly took it. He led her to the edge of the space and stepped through the threshold, extending a hand again. She raised her own slowly, then let it fall. "I can't..." "Yes, you can." "What if-" "There is no time for questions! You have to get out of there, now!" Sprite looked at the threshold, and shuddered. Stepping through it had consequences. Did her father not know that? "Come to me!" Now, Sprite stepped forward, courage flooding her veins. And as soon as she did, regret tugged at her. She pushed through it as if it were a bind, restraining her, holding her back. She cried out as she struggled to pull through it, using all her strength to push back against it. She felt as if her body was going to be blow to pieces, her very existence wiped out. She grasped her father's hand, accepting his assistance as he pulled her through entirely and into his arms...
...and crumpled onto the marble floors in a heap from mid-air. Before she came into contact, Loki gathered her in his arms, kneeling down with her. Her eyes were in their normal color once more, her face set to it's rights. Her eyes were wide, and shudders ran up and down her body. "Spritey," he whispered. She turned to him. "F-f-f-" "Hush." She looked up at him with her body relaxing. "Did I- did I-" "Don't. Don't do that to yourself. This wasn't you. This was monsters and magic. This was him." Sprite leaned into him, breathing in his scent. "I'm sorry." "What for?" "For leaving you like that." Loki felt his heart twinge. "That doesn't matter now." "But it does. Like you said, we're a team, right? We're supposed to stick together. And I jeopardized that." Loki kissed her hand. "Enough. You jeopardized nothing." Sprite let out a small sigh, closing her eyes, then opening them suddenly. "What's wrong?" "He's still here." "What?" "I mean, he's dead. But, not fully. We have little time to escape before he returns." Loki stood up with her in his arms, her lanky legs dangling. "Where's Sylvie? Do you know?" Sprite closed her eyes and wracked her brain, deeply concentrating, trying to recall anything from the past couple of hours. She opened her eyes. "I know where to go."

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