📱Talking Rectangle📱

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Denis opened the door to his home. He'd just come back from checking on Sub. He was at Alex's house, talking with his mothers to help calm himself down after a stressful day of worrying.

Denis breathed in the still air of the house. Nothing had been moved for two days since he had been staying over at Sub's house instead.

He went right to his bed which was made of a card box with one of the flat sides cut off and layers of cotton. He fell back onto it and smiled as he closed his eyes. It felt nice to be in his own bed.

Before he could start getting ready for bed, there was a knock on the door. He went over and opened it.

"Oh, Ethan. What are you doing here?" He mumbled.

"Have you seen Elijah? He came home this morning but I haven't seen him since." Ethan fidgeted with his nail much like his brother did. Denis groaned. He rubbed his forehead and looked back up at Ethan.

"He probably ran off with his racing friends again," He grumbled. He stepped out onto the platform and closed his front door. "I'll help you look for him."


Elijah's eyes opened quickly. He sat up and looked around. He remembered himself passing out from the lack of oxygen but forgot how long ago it was. He noticed he was back in the plastic container with the holes in the top.

He also noticed he didn't have his shirt on, his pants didn't feel right, and his shoulder hurt.

He quickly grabbed his shirt lying next to him. Before he put it on, he looked at his shoulder. There was a small prick that had blood smeared on it. He shuddered as he realized what had happened while he was passed out.

The man probably came back and took advantage of the fact that he wasn't conscious. He must've taken his clothing off and didn't know how to get Elijah's shirt back on without getting his wings stuck.

Elijah put his shirt back on and curled up into one of the corners of the container. He heard the man coming back.The door opened and walked in with his two children running at his feet.

They both ran over to the container sitting on the desk. Martha picked it up and looked over Elijah.

"Her wing is still broken," She mumbled sadly. "Does she need another bandaid?" Her father shook his head and took the container from her hands to put back on the table.

"The bandage fell off." Her father lied. Martha shrugged and opened up her closed hand to show a cluster of cereal she got from the box in the kitchen.

"I got her some food!" She cheered. She plucked the cover of the container off and dropped the small rings off to the side of it. Her father didn't stop her because he knew that no matter how hard Elijah tried, he couldn't fly away.

She closed it and Benny ran over. He pressed his face against the plastic tub to watch Elijah eat.

Elijah, however, didn't move. He felt uncomfortable and his body ached. He felt even more uncomfortable with the two large eyes watching his every move. Benny tapped the container a few times before getting bored and backing away.

Out of nowhere, a loud tune erupted. Martha grabbed a black rectangle from the desk, but when she turned it around, there were words and pictures on it.

"Daddy, your phone is ringing!" Martha handed him the strange object. He looked at the words on it and a smile formed on his face. He ushered the kids out of the room, saying he had an important call and to not disturb him.

As soon as he closed the door, he tapped the rectangle–which made the tune stop–and held it to his ear.

"Sir! Thank you for calling back. I knew I intrigued you." He cheered. He went silent, listening to something. Elijah looked at him in confusion. There was no one there for him to talk to other than himself.

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