Sickness & Gifts

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"This sucks."
Smg3 was laying on his own bed, who got sick from staying outside in the freezing cold. He turned to look outside his window, it still continued to snow. "Ugh." He chose to turn over and lay on the side away from the window. Until his phone on the nightstand suddenly gleamed with a ringing noise. "Great, now somebody is calling.." Smg3 picked up his phone and answered not bothering to check who's calling him. "Lord of the Internet Graveyard, Who this?" A familiar voice came from the other side of the phone. "Hey Smg3! It's Smg4, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to our little party we're having. We have cake.. and-" Smg3 rolled his eyes and groaned. "I'm sick, go away. The last thing I need is a really bad headache!"

Of course it didn't work. There was a short slience until the voice from the phone replied. "You're sick? How?" Smg3 knew it was inevitable to ignore his question, He got sick because of Terrance forcing him to play in a snowfight along with other Knuckles. He sighed. "It's not that important, just leave me alone." Smg3 was about to hang up the phone until Smg4's voice cut in. "Maybe I can make something for you to get better." Smg3 sat there, bewildered. "..What?" The bundle of sunshine replied quickly. "Well, I can make some soup for you or something. It can't be that hard." He did not know how to answer to Smg4. "..No, it's fine. It's just a small cold anyway." Before Smg4 could answer he hung up the phone and sighed. "...Whatever.."

Fear of Intimacy, Isolating himself and pushing away others who care for him seems to be one of his many problems, He was very aware of it. Self doubt started to settle in. "Uggh.. He was just trying to help you, Why did you just hang up on him like that?!" He angrily spoke to himself before Terrance walked in clicking his tounge holding a mug of hot chocolate. "..Oh, Hey Terrance." Smg3 hoped Terrence didn't overhear his conversation with himself. The little guy continued to click his tounge and placed the mug on the nightstand oblivious to his Boss's self loathing. "Thanks Terrance." Terrence walked out and closed the door. Leaving Smg3 by himself with his thoughts. He picked up the mug and took a sip, wanting to feel the pain of his own tounge burning. Maybe that would knock some sense into him for once. "You idiot." He thought to himself, minutes went by. I mean he think it did anyway. He lost count of how long time went by as he sipped on his hot chocolate watching the snow fall down outside. Until knocking came from the door. "Come in." He kept his stare at the window, he didn't feel like talking to anybody today and just wanted to stay in his bed.

"Smg3?" Smg4 was at the doorway. "Smg4?!" He turned to Smg4, who was holding a bowl of soup. "Hey, I made this.. Well actually Tari and Luigi helped me mostly. But uh.. Here! Cause you're sick!" Smg4 placed it on the nightstand with a smile on his face. Smg3's eyes widened before setting the mug on the nightstand and picking up the soup. "I.. uh.." Smg3 suddenly got defensive and fixed his posture clearing his throat. "You can go now Smg4!" Smg4 tilted his head. "Not even a Thank You? Tari, Luigi and I made this with alot of appreciation and care you know." Smg3 felt a stab in his heart and cleared his throat again, he placed his own cap down on the nightstand and avoided eye contact with Smg4. "...Thank you, Smg4. You can go now.." He fondled with the spoon in the soup, stirring it around gently. Smg4 frowned feeling a little unappreciated but he brushed it off forcefully. "Goodbye, it's a shame you can't go to the party 3." Smg3 still had his glaze away from Smg4. "Bye, Smg4." He watched Smg4 walk away and close the door with another pang of guilt. He took a taste of the soup. The sensation felt nice, and not a burning pain like the hot chocolate. The soup had a delicious flavor and warm taste. He was feeling a little better already bit by bit.

Ignoring the guilt, anyway.

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