Uncertainty & Advice

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[Sorry for such short chapters, don't worry about this one though. Cause it'll be around 2500-4000 words so it's a decent chapter word range for once 💪🏽]

[Originally, it was gonna be 4000-6000 words but I don't hate myself THAT much cause I quickly get off track every few minutes while writing it's so annoying but finally I got this finished 😭]

"How unappreciative."

Smg4 felt a little, okay he lied. He felt really unappreciated by Smg3. He made soup for him and brought tylenol for him but all he gets is a small Thank You?! Well, he knows that's all you can do but he wished for more than just that small gesture. He may have thought to himself that he is overreacting a littl- But! he was determined to have Smg3 warm up to him. At first, he was annoyed then his mind started to slowly wander into a dark space as Smg4 began to overthink in his bed. "..What if he hates me, and I made him uncomfortable on accident?" He recoiled in disappointment in himself. "He probably hates me." That thought was practically glued onto him, As he laid there the thoughts got more overwhelming overtime. He shoved it away and got up rushing out of his own room, stopping at the doorway.

He was having second thoughts about this.

"..Nobody lives forever, I have to do this." He spoke to himself in fake confidence as he hesitatingly headed to Tari's room. "She definitely knows better advice than Mario, for sure. She can help me.."

Tari was expectedly playing games, the sounds of controller buttons clicking as her direct focus was on the game. Smg4 sliently had a internal argument with himself thinking. "Okay, okay you can do this. You. Can. Do. This." He chuckled nervously and walked up behind Tari. Hopefully this wouldn't be a mistake he would regret till the day he dies, that would be bad. He coughed awkwardly standing. "Hey Tari, I have a small question that's totally not happening to me right now. That'd be hilarious." Tari kept her glaze on the screen but still listened to Smg4 replying with a concerned tone. "What is it?" He fondled with his hands nervously laughing. "Well, hah. Uh if somebody liked someone else and wanted to ask them out but isn't really sure if they loved hi- them back what should I- they, say or do?" Tari didn't question how strange Smg4 was acting, as weirdly as it is. "Well, I do not really know how to explain the 'but isn't really sure they loved them back' part, but maybe I can help with the asking out bit?" Smg4 quickly responded. "Please do, it's for my.. uhh.. videos."

Tari smiled. "First I would ask them if they wanted to go somewhere, get dinner or watch movies. Maybe even both! Remember though, you don't have to go all out on the first try. You can build up to it!" Smg4 slowly calmed down as he thought. "Build up to it.. Thanks Tari, Remember this is just for my.. Work! Videos! Bye now!" Smg4 waved with a bright smile on his face and walked out the door. Tari chuckled at his sweet antics, Mario stumbled out of his hiding place behind a large flowerpot yelling "I knew it! Smg4 loves Smg3 and is gonna ask him out on a date! I was right the whole time!" Tari continued playing her game and snickered. "Leave the sweet couple on their own, Smg4 can do this." Mario dramatically brought his hands together. "...But, will Smg3 say yes though?"

Mario stood there in his pose while controller noise clicking was in the background. There for a unnecessarily long period of time just for the sake of being overdramati- Actually, speaking of Smg3. He felt better, atleast healthy enough to answer a few questions and not have his own social battery dead in the span of seconds cause of his sickness. Well that what he thought as he got up from his bed and went to the kitchen for a snack and opened the fridge. "Seriously? Terrance, did you eat all the damn food?! Where are you!?" Terrance was mostly likely hiding, well good for him. "Ugh, now I have to get some groceries." He got on his jacket and scarf again and placed his cap on, which he got from the kitchen counter. "Terrance i'm going out, Remember to lock the door and don't binge watch Pokemon on Netflix again, you hear me!" Smg3 slammed the door shut. Immediately Terrance ran out of his hiding spot under the couch picking up the tv remote and pressed Netflix. Smg3 opened a portal to the Mushroom Kingdom entering it, and appearing infront of a store.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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