Healing & Denial

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Smg3 woke up, and groaned stretching. His throat was very sore and dry. He must've fallen asleep after he finished eating his soup. He turned to the window and it was bright out. "Must be the afternoon.." He muttered to himself and picked up his phone, turning it on and spotting a message from Smg4. "How are you feeling today?" Smg3 eyes lowered at the message, not knowing how to really respond to it. "Great.." He clicked on the message and checked the time. "1:36 PM." Smg3 typed in a response. "Fine, I guess." A few minutes later Smg4 responded. "Are you sure? You seemed really exhausted yesterday, Did the soup help?" Smg3 felt weird, at how much Smg4 seemed to act like it was a big deal. "Smg4, I'm fine. It's not a big deal. Okay?" Smg4 kept typing and stopping. It looked like he wanted to say something but he erased it and replaced the text with something else. "If you say so but you didn't answer if the soup helped."  Smg3 mumbled. "Of course he just had to ask that." He typed in. "It tasted nice, I suppose that it helped a bit." Smg3 could sense a warm smile Smg4 has from the other side of the screen. "Good, I have to do something now cause Mario is asking me what the hell a 'space time continuum' is. Bye 3!" Smg3 didn't really want to type in Bye, but he did not wanna leave Smg4 just like that again. "Bye."

He turned off his phone and placed it on the counter and laid back down on his bed sulking into the pillows. "I should've said something else, like how was your day.." He felt disappointment within himself staring at the ceiling. Self destruction. Another flaw of his, insulting himself when he doesn't feel like he did something right. "What is wrong with me?!" He slammed his fist onto the nightstand, got up and quickly coughed. He currently felt like crap. A sore throat, coughing and now a headache. Today was really not his day. He stood up from the bed and walked to his door opening it. "Some advil will help.." Smg3 walked to the kitchen and searched through cabinets looking for Advil until Terrance walked in. "Terrance, where the hell is the advil?" Terrance clicked his tounge. "What do you mean we don't have any left?!" Smg3 groaned with a facepalm. "I'll go get some then.." Terrance immediately clicked his tounge, following Smg3 as they both walked to the front door. "It's just a little cold, Terrance. Going outside isn't going to kill me while i'm sick. You should stay in here where it's nice and warm. I'll just go get it myself." He wrapped a scarf over himself and wore a jacket, Before Terrance could disagree Smg3 slammed the door shut and opened a portal to the Mushroom Kingdom. He entered the portal and was infront of a Pharmacy, sighing he walked inside. "Just some advil and i'm out."

Of course Smg4 had to be here, They both ran into eachother again. Fate. "Oh! Smg3! I was about to leave!" Smg3 was taken back a little, not really expecting Smg4 in a pharmacy.. "What are you doing here?" Smg4 replied straightforwardly. "I should be asking that, what are you doing here while you're sick? You should be staying in bed." Smg3 rolled his eyes. "I am not a child, I was getting medicine for myself." Smg4's eyes brightened. "Wait! Speaking of medicine, I uh. Actually got some tylenol for you!" Smg4 checked his own jacket's pocket and got out a bottle of Tylenol and gave it to Smg3 unhesitatingly. Smg3 stood there slient trying to process what was happening. "..Why do you keep giving these things to me? Why are you taking care of me alot?"
Smg4's eyes widened and he avoided his glance at Smg3. "Well, I- Uh, because.. uhm.." Tension intensified.

They both stared at eachother for who knows how long.

Smg4 coughed. "Would you look at the time? I better get going! It was nice seeing you Smg3! Okay bye!" Smg4 rushed pass him and ran away. Smg3 watched him leave in confusion. "...Okay?" He slowly walked out of the pharmacy still confused and opened a portal to the internet graveyard, at the front door of his house and opened the door. "Terrance, I'm back!" Terrance clicked angrily, because Smg3 went out despite being sick. "Yeah yeah, Look at me Terrance. I'm fine, I have some tylenol okay?" Smg3 took off his scarf and jacket, and placed it down on a chair. He walked to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of water and opened the bottle of tylenol, swallowing a few pills and took a chug of his water. Terrance still was mad at Smg3, clicking alot. Smg3 turned his head to Terrance. "Okay, Fine. I won't do it again.. Maybe, just calm down." Terrance's clicking seemed to stop then he walked away. Smg3 took his cup of water to his room and closed his door. He placed the cup down on the nightstand and fell onto the bed still tired and grumbled. He shifted and adjusted himself until he got comfortable and checked his phone. No messages, Smg4 must be busy with that fat red italian doing who knows what. He checked the time. "2:27 PM." He felt too tired to do anything today and going to the pharmacy already took a toll on him. "A little rest doesn't hurt anyone.." He muttered to himself and turned to his right side, choosing to fall asleep..

[Meanwhile, with Smg4.]

Smg4 rushed back to the Mushroom Palace, with a big blush on his face. He used his scarf to cover his face blushing. He was at the entrance of the palace and opened the doors heading straight for his room. Until Mario walked in. "Smg4! I'm still having trouble with the space time continuum!!" Smg4 groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Go ask Meggy to help you, She's smarter than me and can explain those things more easier. I have to finish my videos!" Smg4 walked into his room and took off his jacket and scarf leaving it on a desktop and sat down in his chair about to type in his computer's password. He checked the time. "2:42 PM." Mario broke into his room. "But Smg4! I-" Mario suddenly went slient. "Are you blushing, Smg4?" Smg4 gasped at the hardly noticeable reflection in the computer's screen.

He was blushing- He's still blushing! "No, No! I was just a little hot in that jacket!" Mario had a smug face knowing that it was a lie. "Oh sweet Smg4, has probably fallen in love with someone! Who's the lucky person?!" Mario snickered enjoying Smg4's reaction. "I don't!- I'm not- I was just at the pharmacy for- He isn't-" Mario gasped. "He?" Smg4 covered his mouth, He said too much. "Uhh.. I mean she, them?- I-" Mario snickered again with that damn smug face. "Oh Smg4, I think I already know who you're crushing on!" He waved his arms in the air. "You have a crush on Smg-" Smg4 immediately choked out flustered. "NO!" Mario laughed at his friend's denial.

"Admit it, You're in love with Smg3! You've both held hands alot and even made soup for him when he got sick yesterday!" Smg4 covered his face in embarrassment. "Look, Look! even if I do which I don't. I do not even know how to ask him out! And in my defense with the hand holding, it was for our powers." Mario rolled his eyes and patted his friend's back. "You can always count on me for advice, I am always good with the ladies!" Mario pulled out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket, wore it and did finger guns. Smg4 rolled his eyes at Mario. "..Sure, Mario. Sure you are."

Mario pridefully gave Smg4 unwanted advice, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "So here what you gotta do, you just bring him to a restaurant and say get ready to move your pingas!-"

"Okay Mario, that's enough!"

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