Episode 8 "OoOoOoo Food, Train, and Umai?"

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Jake was in the forest still working on his home as he was bored now since he wasn't called for any missions for at least an hour as he wanted to go out and kill but as he was thinking this he heard the Crow

Crow: Caw! Caw! Jake Carretero you must go! Caw! To the Mugen Train! Reported 40 missing people on that train! Caw!

He heard this as he smirked under his mask

Jake: Finally something made itself known

Jake started getting ready putting his Demon Slayer clothes on and cloak as his suckles are now resting on his waist belt this time as he begins running

10 hours later

It's been 10 hours and Jake was half way there but decided to stop by a Small Village for the night as he looked around for anything to eat as he sees street food cart just sitting there with no costumers as he goes up to the Owner

Jake: Hello

Jake looked dead and hungry

Jake: May I please have 5 bowls of Udon?

Owner: Yes of course

The owner begins making some Udon

10 minutes later

He drooled as he took his mask off for the first time as he begins gobbling up the five bowls shocking the Owner as once he finished he paid the owner the money and a tip

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He drooled as he took his mask off for the first time as he begins gobbling up the five bowls shocking the Owner as once he finished he paid the owner the money and a tip

Jake: Umai! Thank you for the great meal!

Jake smiled as he walked off waving bye

Jake: Take care!

Owner: we'll do your welcome back any time

Jake walked off around the village luckily finding a place to stay which was a small Hotel but it's something as he lays in the bed yawning

Jake: If a demon comes by I'll be sure to hear it

And just like that Jake finally goes to bed after a while

2 hours later

Jakes ear started twitching as he looked outside the window seeing a Demon walking by most likely trying to find some food as Jake smirked putting on his uniform and everything as he puts his mask on but as he was setting up he heard a women scream as he looked seeing the Women on the ground trying to crawl away as Jake Jump off from the room looking at the demon

Jake: Oi!

He brings out his sickles hitting them against each other to make noise even making a Sparks

Jake: I see your out for a midnight meal sadly you won't get that

As he said this the Demon limbs stretched all the way to Jake so fast that it knocked out his sickles

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