Episode 9 "Aniki!!"

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Jake was over helping some people put their luggage on the shelves as Rengoku had his full attention now after Tanjiro Introduce Zenitsu and Inosuke

Rengoku: Ah and I see your also here Jake!

Jake: Yep I am the Crow for some reason didn't tell me about you and I teaming up though

(A/n: Like I said Lazy Writing!)

Rengoku: Well for now it doesn't matter! Now that master Acknowledges Nezuko I won't say anything for now here take a seat

After everything gets sorted out they all sat down as Jake sat with Zenitsu and Inosuke to at least Help him calm Inosuke down as Inosuke kept banging on the window

Jake: Inosuke! Calm down! Stop it!

Inosuke ignored and kept banging

Inosuke: Being inside the lord is mind blowing!

Jake: Thats what she said

Jake whispered under his breath as Zenitsu heard it since he has Keen sense in hearing but still did his Job keeping Inosuke in check

Zenitsu: You're going to break the glass! Calm down already, will ya?

Jake spent all his time trying to keep Inosuke in check even sometimes pulling him back when Zenitsu was about to lose his grip as they managed to calm him down a little before hearing yelling again

Rengoku: You should become my Tsugoku, my apprentice! I'll look after you!

Jake just looked at Rengoku wanting to laugh a little from this as it was funny to him as he heard more of the conversation about the 5 original breathing styles Flame, Thunder, Water, Stone, Wind while also explaining how some breathing styles are branches from them like Mist breathing is branched from Wind

Rengoku: Though ever since Jake joined and learning more about other Demon Slayer corp I have now learned that there are more breathing style either branched out or is one of the Fundamental breathing techniques Like how Poison Breathing is another one of the first breathing styles but Fairy Breathing branches from Wind breathing

Tanjiro: But what about Jake's breathing style?

Rengoku: from what Tomioka had said he uses something called Omni Breathing which from what I heard is a combination of all the current breathing styles

Jake: Thats right like how one of my Breathing styles is from Stone Breathing but I add my own flair to it

After that little conversation Rengoku still asked Tanjiro to be his apprentice as Jake can only chuckle from this until hearing Inosuke

Inosuke: Awesome! Awesome! So fast!

He heard this as he sees he is trying to jump outside as he helped Zenitsu keeping Inosuke inside

Zenitsu: That's dangerous, you idiot!

Jake: Calm down Inosuke stop trying to be fucking stupid

Inosuke: I'm gonna run outside and race to see who's faster!

Jake: You fucking idiot you will lose easily and get left behind!

As he said this Inosuke made another attempt trying to Jump outside as Jake pulled him back with ease

Zenitsu: You can't possibly be that stupid can you?!

Rengoku: You can never know when a demon might appear

Zenitsu just looked at Rengoku shocked as Jake was now trying to hold onto Inosuke so he doesn't run out

Zenitsu: You're kidding, right? Demons show up on this train?

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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