Be Mine - Chapter 2

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I walked back to my house and went up stairs to my room. I jumped on the bed and stuffed my pillow in my face. This is what I've been doing for fun for the past months. I never feel like going out with my friends anymore. I'm always sitting in bed thinking about life. Sometimes I think about the fun things I could be doing but, I always think this is better than that crap. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I say quietly. It was my mom with folded clothes. She put the clothes in my drawers and looked at me.

"You've been acting like this for a while now. Bubbie, what's wrong? " She asked me.

"Nothing mom." I said.

"Something is clearly wrong Kyle. I'm your mother, you can tell me." She sat on my bed.

"Mom. Nothing is wrong. I promise." I said, trying to avoid telling her.

"Fine Kyle. But if anything is wrong you can always tell me." She hugged me and left the room. I sat up and sighed.

I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I saw myself in the mirror and just stared. Nothing was right on me. My nose was too big for my face, my eyes were way too far apart, my skin was too pale. I pulled my hat off to see my crazy red curls. Gross. All of me was gross. I slipped my hat back onto my head and tucked all of the loose curls back in.

I go back to my room and plop back onto my bed. Memories of my dream from last night came to me. Cartman started calling me a fag. Why? Even Cartman, one of the most evil kids in South Park, knows that I'm not gay. Why was I being called a fag by him, the rest of the kids at school, and... Stan? Why Stan? He's my best friend and he called me a Jew Fag. Stan has never actually made fun of me for being a Jew so why did he in my dream? Stan and I have had fights before but, it never went down and ended the way it did in the dream. Will Stan ever turn on me? No... He wouldn't... Would he? He said he wouldn't leave me. Was he lying?

I didn't even notice I was crying until I saw the tears on my pillow. I ended up falling asleep.


I thought about Kyle some more. I thought about the was he was acting during his sleep. His skin was paler than normal, he was sweaty and, shaking. Of course he was having a nightmare, but what was it about? I have to get Kyle to break. He needs to tell me. I feel like he hasn't been happy for the past few days. Maybe someone he loved died? Or he got grounded? I have to find out what's up.

I decided to go see his parents to see if they knew anything. I rang the door bell and soon Mrs. Broflovski opened it.

"Why hello there Stanley. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good, Mrs. Broflovski. You?" I asked.

"Good. You want me to go get Kyle?" She asked.

Be Mine - Stan x Kyle - South Park Style Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now