prep is not always okay

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     The cheer coach looked around the field Avery Cooper! Coach Amy shouted here coach Avery said runny up to her sorry that I'm late Avery said You have no excuses Coach Amy said I won't give you any I know how important it is to be on time I apologize and promise to do better. Avery said fine kick it into high gear I want no slacking and you will do more than everyone else now 10 laps then do both routines twice no mistakes, not a step out of place or I'll make you do all the cheers from last season. Coach Amy said yes coach Avery said running the track why is she always so hard on Avery Bradley asked well it's, because of who he is for starters Mike said That is ?  Bradley said raising an eyebrow in silent question his parents are cheer champions they have never lost a competition. They were the king and queen of cheer, and as such everyone expected the same results from Avery who decided to walk down their path all on his own Mike explained wow that's a lot to carry is he alright? Bradley asked Mike laughed you mean the embodiment of prep always that is not the face of someone who is struggling Avery loves cheer and nothing is gonna stop him that's just how he is even if the coach is hard on him it's not anything he hasn't before Avery is smiley and fun when he is not to focus on cheer  I don't think he's capable of any bad emotions Mkie said explaining from experience he's know Avery since they were kids he wouldn't call himself Avery's friend because Avery kept everyone at arm's length after his sister died, one could say that was the reason he did cheer. That wasn't Mike's place to say neither did he want to open that can of worms knowing something and being brave enough to speak up were two different things just like how Mike knew that today was Anna Cooper's death anniversary. Good job Cooper now you make take a break Coach Amy said handing Avery his designated water bottle. Thank you Coach Avery said smiling drinking the water grateful that it was the end of practice cause Avery seriously missed being at home right now the place where he didn't have to be the son of two cheer champions then again this was his choice. Don't worry Anna just 1 more hour and your brother is gonna spend the rest of the day doing your favorite stuff  Avery thought to himself it would take an hour to get home, Then he would go to the arcade and play all her favorite his big sister was always more of a boy then he was still looking pretty even when she rebelled. That thought made him smile as most memories of his sister did except for her death. Lastly, he will marathon Liv and Maddie with her picture on the couch staying up for hours repeating the line sister by chance friend by choice doing anything to forget that he lost his twin and best friend.  

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