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    Son, you did well today Blake said patting Blaine on his back Dad I'm always doing my best Blaine said smiling I said well, you have to be at 110% If you're gonna go pro-Blaine Blake said Stearn but Dad you know my Dream football is temporary I want to be a Lawyer Blaine said but you are a Chase we are football champions at football that is the dream Blake said not mine I want to be a Lawyer, Helping people the same way mom did Blaine said a little somber remembering days when the women was alive and well things had changed a lot since she had passed especially the "Dream" even the way they lived at this point has changed a lot. Look where that got her Blake said no venom in his words only sorrow Antoinette was beautiful, smart, and kind she raised Blaine with those same qualities. especially his smarts the boy was amazing in school he kept up his grades, never needed a tutor, and took every criminal justice class the school had to offer, he didn't even keep up grades for football so that his GPA  would be high enough for law school this scares Blake because being a criminal justice lawyer is what got his wife killed. Blake has been trying to change Blaine's mind in hopes that a different hobby would make him change his future profession with no luck and it is slowly straining their relationship because Blaine isn't interested in football and does it more so he and Blake have something to bond over. Neither of them is good at communication that was more Antoinette's thing talking about feeling and making things better Blake was all about action cause that is how he was taught, he doesn't know how to do emotions and Blake thought he was getting better but after Antoinette's death everything she had shown him, taught him all went down the drain and now he has no idea what to do cause he just want's their son safe and yet he can't come up with the words to shine light on his true fear. the fact that he doesn't mind  Blaine being a lawyer, the fact that he is proud of his son Blake just doesn't understand why every time he goes to talk. the words get stuck like it's taboo to care, to understand he looks at Blaine who has been silent for a while and now he knows he has taken it too far I'm sorry champ that's my fault just go to your room order some pizza if you want you can invite some of the team over just let's not have this talk again Blake says hoping his voice isn't as shaky as it sounds to himself Blaine got up and hugged him, Dad, I know it's hard but you promised me that if that is what I wanted that's what I could do Blaine said I know and I meant that Blake said hugging back he left the " but I can't help this feeling that I'll lose you to in the air. "I'll order the pizza but no jock meatheads who don't know two plus two okay Dad Blaine said on his way to his room to get his phone. Blake couldn't help feeling this was gonna be a long year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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