Heartbreak poems

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Roses are dead,

Violets are dying,

You shattered my heart,

So now I'm crying.


You messed me up.

You really did.

I lay awake at night.

Trying to imagine.

How it could have been.

What I did wrong.

Why did I meet you.

Why did life put you on my path.

For you to just leave again.

And to leave me broken.

What am I supposed to realize?

That I make mistakes?

Or that I get attached too quick?

I don't regret my mistake.

It's the best mistake I've ever made.

But that mistake left me broken.

Fucked up, lost.

What am I supposed to say?

I'm sorry?

Sorry for hoping?

Sorry for feeling joy?

Sorry for thinking it was something good?

Sorry for feeling safe in your arms?

Sorry for ever sending you a message.

I'm sorry for thinking it was a good idea.

I'm sorry I thought life was giving me a break.

I'm sorry for caring.


You know when you're driving,

Through the pouring rain,

And you go under a bridge?

For a second, 

Everything is so peaceful,

So calm,

And you can just take a breath.

But when you come out the other side,

Everything hits you,

A little harder than before.

You were my bridge.

A break from the world.

And with you gone,

everything hits a bit harder.

Teach me how:

Teach me to be cold.

Teach me to be withdrawn.

Tell me how you do it.

Tell me how you can hopelessly cut someone off,

with no explanations or closure.

Tell me how to shatter any and every bond,

You share with another person,

without so much of a second's consideration,

As to what it will do to the other person.

Tell me how to appear detached,

And aloof,

Even when my heart bleeds,

from the gaping hole you left.

And finally, 

Teach me how to beat you to it,

The next time.

Because I need to teach you,

the feeling of unrequited friendship.

Hey Simps!! I hope you enjoy these poems that I found on Pinterest!! credit goes to all the original creators of these poems!! Remember to vote, follow and share!! Well I'll see you next time Simps!!

- SIMP -

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