Love yourself

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It's not easy,

Healing myself from the inside.

How do I put a Band-aid on a bruise inside me?

No quick solution is in sight.

I do what I have never done before.

I water the seeds of my skin,

With affirmations of love and watch them grow.

A little self-care and solitude.

I reflect on the pain of the past,

And try and conjecture a reason behind the suffering.

I conclude that knowing won't deliver me peace,

But acceptance would.

As the seeds within my skin begin to blossom,

Into flowers doused in self-preservation,

I finally gain the power to fight.

The pulls of my self-destruction,

I kick each one of them down,

As they try to sink me into darkness.

I throw my arms into the small glimmer of light above,

And grasp on a familiar hand,

Lifting me up into a garden,

Made with affirmations of love.

Which grew flowers of kindness and thorns of courage,

All whispering to me,

"... you will be okay."

Dear me:

My darling,

Be patient with yourself,

Healing takes time,

Healing implies kindness,

Healing means change.

Becoming is not easy.

Be patient with yourself,

You are gardening your soul.

Some flowers,

Are meant to bloom later.

Don't lose yourself:

You pour into empty cups,

Filling others before yourself.

Never let your cup run empty,

Don't lose yourself.

Just as stars ignite the sky,

the earth needs your light,

Nobody shines like you do.

Don't lose yourself,

Creation needs the whole you.


Flowers grow back,

even after,

the harshest winters.

You will too.


Hey you,

Yes you,

Gentle reminder that,

You are a badass and beautiful human,

 For getting up,

Showing up,

And facing whatever demons,

That are trying to destroy you.

How to heal:

Time does not heal all wounds;

It just lets it sink into your subconscious,

where it will continue to affect,

your emotions and behavior.

What heals is going inward,

loving yourself,

accepting yourself,

listening to your needs,

addressing your attachments,

And emotional history,

Learning how to let go,

and following your intuition.

Hey Simps!! It's important to love yourself even if it is super hard to do! Remember lots of people love you!! the people who spend their time with you love you! your friends love you! I love you! Remember to vote, follow and comment!!

- SIMP -

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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