losing you

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I stood there staring back at the reminder as to why I am here and why I chose to do this. I felt nothing more than pure euphoria in that moment. I wish time could stop because the feeling of being on the stage is the best feeling above all others.  I scan through the crowd and see all the beautiful faces of moa's out there and it made me feel warm and fuzzy. I was at home here. Suddenly my whole world comes crashing down as I see her the girl I love, kissing someone else In the crowd.

I tried my hardest to look away but I just couldn't believe my own eyes at the sight before me. That as the friend she said she wanted to bring. That's why she wanted Vip guest spots. I felt my heart splintering by the thought of it all. As much as I wanted to leave, I couldn't because I'm and MC Host of Inkigayo SBS. This is my job and I have to be here. Who was he though? Do I know him? How long had this been going on? If I confront her about it personally would she tell me the truth? should I even care? So many questions running through my head.

I was so lost in those thoughts I didn't notice Bum-June was trying to get my attention. It was time for us to take our leave and when we did I glance back at their seat but they were already gone.

I texted her but she responded that she was going out with her friend.

I head home and pack some of my things. I wanted to leave tonight but decided to stay one last night. Tomorrow she and I have plans to spend time together since I'm always working and rarely get the day off. I stayed up most of the night waiting for her so that we can talk about this but in the end she never came home.

The next morning I woke up to her empty half of the bed. I finished packing my thing and hid my bag where she won't see it. When I was done I walked into her kitchen and make some breakfast.

The front door closes and I feel her hug me from behind.

"Oppa I'm sorry I didn't text or call I was really drunk last night so I stayed at my friends place"  She said.

"It's alright I um made you some breakfast"I said.

"aw you didn't have to" She smiled. 

I walk to the table with the food that I actually made for her.

"Where's your food? aren't you going to eat" She asked.

"No I went out with the other Mc's last night and over ate so I'm not really hungry" I lied.

"Haha aw well you did great last night I really enjoyed the show I couldn't take my eyes off of you the whole time" She lies.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it and honestly thank you for coming to watch the latest episode" I say knowing that it wasn't true.

"No worries oppa you know I'd cancel any plan for you" she lies again. Last night didn't you still chose to hang out with him over me.

"I know love" I say kinda sad.

"so are we still on for later this afternoon?"She asked taking my hand in hers.

"Actually I think we should go once you've finished eating. In fact go shower afterward and wear something beautiful. Do your hair. Do your make up. Wear the necklace I brought you and the matching earrings and I'll take you shopping again" I said caressing her hand.

She smiles happily and I head over to her room I get ready and gather my things. When we both finished getting ready she waits for me in my car and I drive us over to the shopping district.

She checks her phone countless times during the drive and I take from her.

"H-hey Yeonjun" she whines.

"you'll get it back later but for today you are mine" I said.

"fine I'm all yours" she lied.

Upon our arrival, immediately she heads into her favorite store Yves Saint Laurent. She picks out items of her own tastes which I must say wasn't always great. It wasn't until she met me that she knew what having good taste in fashion meant. It seems she's fallen back into her old ways, which seeing after last nights events, it makes perfect sense. 

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