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I sat in the living space studying with my headphones one. When I woke up Yeonjun wasn't home. I didn't have much to do so studying came to mind. 

My phone buzzes and I check the text.

-Text msg-

Yeonjun: I'm afraid I won't be home tonight Aaeri. I'll be back tomorrow morning.

Aaeri: Is everything okay?

Yeonjun: Preparing for a comeback takes a lot of energy and work. Everything's fine though. I just feel bad we won't get to cuddle tonight. 

Aaeri: I can live without cuddles for one day

Yeonjun: I can't :(

Aaeri: Awe you big baby 

Yeonjun: Are you making fun of me?

Aaeri: maybe 



Yeonjun: Ah wae

Aaeri: Don't you have work to be doing

Yeonjun: So mean

Aaeri: I'm studying

Yeonjun: Fine bye for now

Aaeri: bye


I stood up and made myself some food. Sadly I don't cook as good as him. I sit in my room with my food and eat and not to long after a fell asleep. I woke up to and empty cold house. I sat on the couch reading and not before long the sun came up. I watched some k-drama whilst waiting for Yeonjun to come home. Soon enough the door beeped and clicked. He walks in and looks extremely exhausted. I stood up and he hugs me making us both fall onto the couch.

"Yeonjun you're tired go to your room and sleep" I said.

"I'll sleep here with you" He mumbles.

I leave him be  and turn off the tv for him to rest. His soft snores tickled my neck as he exhaled. I eventually grow sleepy to his breathing patterns. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with him on top of me. When I wake up a delicious smell fills my nose and Yeonjun is no where to be seen. 

"Ah Aaeri you're awake " Beomgyu said walking into the living space. 

"Where's Yeonjun?" I asked.

"He's in there making food. We have some friends coming over if that's okay with you" He said. 

"Of course" I say. I walk into the kitchen and watch him as he had his back turned to me while cooking. I walk over to him and hop up on the counter. He hasn't notice my presence yet and is very focused on the task at hand. Eventually he turns around and is startled by me. I laugh at this and he walks over hugging my waist. 

"I'm sorry I snuck up on you" I say.

"Ani-ya" He says quietly. He continues cooking and I watch everything he does. He often comes over and has me taste a sample of everything. Can this be anymore like a k-drama? Sitting here enjoying Yeonjun cooking I could hear voices fill his living space.

"hyung I brought these over like you--"  a younger man walks in.

He stops and hides something behind his back.

"ah ha Aaeri this is Heuning Kai" Yeonjun says.

"Oh um nice to meet you Heuning Kai" I said hopping off the counter bowing to him.

"Your too formal, please, just call me Kai" He bows.

"okay" I smiled.

"I'm going to go help them real fast, can you watch everything here for me?" Yeonjun asked.

"of course" I say.

I lower the fire on the burners he used so nothing burns while he left with kai.

Yeonjun's pov

I took the flowers I asked Kai to buy for me and set them on her bed in her room, with a small bracelet I got for her, before work yesterday.

I rather her be surprised by them later on. After that I went back to kitchen where she was and she was watching everything. I hugged her from behind and startled her in return.

"it's okay, It's just me." I say. She pushed me away playfully and sits back on the counter.

I feel much happier since she's arrived. I've gotten better sleep and have slowly moved on from my last. She filled that hole and it's very comforting knowing that she was the one to help me.

Her smile lights up the room and watching her embarrassed shy side before me right now makes me want hold her close to me.

Aaeri's pov

Yeonjun and his friends have been so heartwarming all night and I find them all to be sweet and charming in there own ways. Soobin in my opinion was very interesting and cute. For the first time though I felt like I was finally escaping my past. I was finally happy. Yeonjun helped me with that and his friends made it better and easier for me to forget the fact that I even had such shitty  toxic friends to begin with. From what I see here they are extremely comfortable with each other.

We spent some time playing video games watching movies and even some board games or card games. Yeonjun always lost, playing the board and card games though. It was kind of adorable watching them do this together but it also seemed like they rarely got to do this which explains why he felt so lonely.

I stood up and yawn after Yeonjun's final loss of the night.

"I had fun guys but I'm super tired" I say before I yawn again

"this was fun we should do this again" Kai said.

"Agreed" Soobin says.

"Thank you for looking out for our Hyung" Taehyun said.

"Aw no he's more or less looking out for me but your welcome guys. Have a good night" I say before bowing and taking my leave.

I head over to my room and open the door. 

"Flowers?" I whisper to myself.

I pick them up and notice a box underneath it. I replace the flowers in my hand for the box and open it. The bracelet inside shimmered in my hands.

I was startled when Yeonjun came form behind and takes it out the box putting it on me.

"Tonight was my way of thanking you Aaeri. I feel happy again like my past issues never existed to begin with" He says closing the latch.

"Yeonjun you did this?" I asked.

"Yeah" He smiled.

"Not to sound un-greatful but you really didn't have to. This bracelet is too much for me accept" I say trying to take it off.

He takes my hands in his and pulled me into a firm hug.

"I wanted to do this Aaeri. This is the bare minimum on the list of things I could've actually done for you" He says.

Part of me felt like crying because I don't deserve this but the other part of me felt happy I met him because I helped him with his past as he helped me.

He pulled away and I couldn't fight my tears anymore.

"Wae- what's wrong, did I over step" He asked.

"No haha it's just--- I missed this feeling of being happy and having friends around" I say.

"We'll always be here for you Aaeri" He says.

"I appreciate that but I start classes soon and won't have as much time to be here for you" I say kind of sad.

A/n:Tbc. What's gonna happen next? Will they get closer or with they grow apart?

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