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Jimin felt like shit as soon as he woke up, his head aching something fierce and his stomach dangerously rolling. Fuck, he hated being drugged. His body reacted badly to most of them. Hell, last time he had been drugged in a moment of carelessness and he had puked all over his kidnappers. Not a pretty moment. Thank fuck nobody had lived to tell the tale because he would've died of embrassment.

Being a killer sometimes paid off, he supposed, less embarrassing moments to relive.

Jimin kept his breathing calm and even, feigning sleep as he composed himself. He was lying down on a very soft mattress, a warm blanket wrapped around him. What a considerate kidnapper.

More importantly though, he was unbound. Nothing tied around his wrists for feet, leaving him free to move around.

Jimin already felt his head beginning to clear, his stomach settling. Whatever they had given him hadn't been a strong dose, thank god for small mercies. His body still felt heavy though, clumsy. It would have to do though.

Subtly, Jimin shifted his hips and almost sighed in relief when he felt no pain or soreness. He hadn't been violated in his sleep. He hadn't really thought Jungkook the type but then again, he hadn't expected the alpha to kidnap him either so evidently he needed to work on not being an idiot.

Okay. Not bound. Not violated. Drugs wearing off already. He could work with this. Hell, this was better than what he could've ever hoped for honestly.

Jimin's nose twitched as he smelled the air, trying to learn more about his surroundings before he gave away he was awake.

The bed had no personal scent, just smelled like lavender detergent. Yet the air beyond that smelled strongly of rosemary and sage which meant he wasn't alone.

Hell, now that his senses were becoming less dulled from the drugs, he could sense that gaze. The one that had filled him with such heat. It still did, certainly, just a different sort of heat.

Jimin felt complete and utter rage, his hands clenching into fists under the blanket draped over him.

Rage that he had been played so foolishly. He had let his guard down around the alpha, something he rarely ever did and he had been slapped in the face. Played like a goddamn fiddle with Hoseok dancing to the music he made.

Jimin knew that he had very little room to be upset, being a killer. A killer who had been intending to kill Hoseok. Yet...Yet...He had let the beta in, trusting him. Even turning down the promise of two payments for him. He had fucking chosen him over his soulmates, the loves of his life.

He was going to burn them all to the fucking ground.

But first, he had to wake up.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes, squinting at the bright light as he tried to focus on the ceiling. He groaned as his headache returned, squeezing his eyes shut again. He took a deep breath to calm his upset stomach.

Now would be a really shitty time to puke.

He heard movement close to him and his head lolled to the side so he could look around, blearily noting that he was in a hotel room. A pretty pricey one if the lavish decorations were anything to go by. High up too if the view out the window was an indication. At least six stories high.

Jungkook was there as Jimin had suspected, in the bathroom with a glass which he was filling up with water. He quickly brought it over to Jimin, silently wrapping an arm around him and easily yanking him up to a sitting position.

"Drink. It'll help." Jungkook ordered and Jimin listened, greedily drinking from the cup pressed to his lips.

It did help, the cool water waking him up even more. He brought his hands up to hold the cup himself, drinking every last drop. Jungkook cradled him tenderly, his arm around him protectively.

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