Missing my love.

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El's POV

November 9.

It had been five months since my friends went back to the valley. Since Eli left. Every night for the past five months, I've been crying myself to sleep because I missed my boyfriend. We texted and called every day, but it just wasn't the same.
    In October, Eli told me he had a surprise to show me the next time they visited, so I was excited for that, but I still missed him, Miguel, Sam, Demetri, Yasmine, Moon, and Robby.

I was sitting in my room, painting a picture for Eli, when Will came into my room.

Will- hi.

El- hi...

Will- painting again?

I nodded.

El- I'm making a new painting for Eli the next time he comes to visit.

Will- You realize that's not gonna be for like a few more months, right?

El- I know. I'm gonna save it for him. He told me he has a surprise for me when he comes to visit also.

Will- Really? What do you think it is?

El- I don't know... Maybe a necklace or something?

All of a sudden, my phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was Eli.

El- Hold on Will, it's Eli.

Will- Okay. I gotta go get a snack anyways.

Will then walked away and I answered the phone.

El- Hi my love.

Eli- Hi Angel. What are you doing?

El- I'm getting a surprise ready for you when you come to visit.

Eli- Oh, really? Can I guess what it is?

El- Eli you're gonna ruin the surprise if you do that.

Eli- Can't I just guess?

El- no.

Eli- Anyways, how's the party?

El- They're okay.

Eli- Are Mike and Will still dating?

El- Yeah. Lucas and Max and Eddie and Chrissy too.

Eli- That's cool.

El- Yeah, but Baby you do realize you don't have to ask that every time we talk on the phone, right?

Eli- I know.

on Eli's side of the phone, I heard Miguel say,

Miguel- Dude hurry up. We're gonna get in trouble by--

Eli- Okay I'll be there in a minute.

El- What's going on?

Eli- Sorry Babe, but I gotta go.. help Miguel with something, so I'll talk to you later, okay?

El- Oh... okay. 

Eli- I'm really sorry, Angel.

El- it's okay. W-we can just talk later.

Eli- okay. Talk to you later.

El- Okay.

Eli- I love you.

El- I love you too.

Eli- Bye.

El- Bye.

When Eli hung up, I thought I wonder why he's acting weird. Maybe he's just busy. Oh no, don't cry. I can't cry now.  I wiped my tears and then decided to watch some Tik Tok before I went to bed. I went to sleep missing my love.

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