Smoking Weed

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El's POV

Later, after we went home, Eli, Miguel, Bert, and Aisha took turns showering. When Eli was out, I said

El- I wanna blow dry your hair.

Hawk- why?

El- so your hair becomes fluffy.

Hawk- I don't know...

I gave him a pouty face and puppy dog eyes.

El- pleeease?

Hawk- ugh, fine. You're just too irresistible.

El- Yay. Come with me.

I grabbed him by the hand and took him to the bathroom. I grabbed the hair dryer and we went back to my room.

Hawk- you know, you could've gotten that without dragging me with you, right princess?

El- I know.

I turned on the blow dryer. Thank god it wasn't loud, so we could still talk.

El- Eli, why do you keep calling me that?

Hawk- calling you what?

El- princess.

Hawk- why? You don't like it when I call you that?

El- I do, I was just curious because you keep calling me that.

Hawk- what else would you want me to call you? Sweetheart? Babydoll?

El- Angel and princess are fine, Baby. Now since you have nicknames for me, I need to come up with nicknames for you.

I turned off the dryer and I saw Eli's fluffy hair.

Hawk- oh yeah? Like what?

El- like... Pigeon.

Hawk- pigeon?

El- yeah. Because you're more of a pigeon then you are a hawk, so...

Hawk- I'm not a pigeon!

El- okay, well now I need another one like... Bubba.

Hawk- that one sounds okay.

El-  so my nicknames for you are Baby, Pigeon and Bubba.

Hawk- and my nicknames for you are Baby, Angel, and princess.

I leaned down and kissed his nose. Eli then grabbed my waist and pulled me down, making me sit in his lap. I had never done this before, but I wasn't nervous or anything. I leaned against him and he said,

Hawk- baby, do you wanna go lay down of the bed?

I nodded and stood up and so did he. Before I could take a step, Eli picked me up bridal style and brought me over to the bed, setting me down slowly.

El- I could've walked you know.

Hawk- I know.

He smirked as he took his shirt off then got in bed as well. I put my head on his chest and felt myself fall asleep. A little while later, I woke up and noticed Eli wasn't in bed. I thought he was in the bathroom, so I layed back down and tried to go back to sleep.

Before I could fall asleep, I smelled a weird smell. It smelled similar to what Johnathan and Argyle were smoking. I looked over to my window and saw Eli sitting on the edge, window open and something in his hand.

El- Eli? What are you doing?

Eli looked at me, shocked and tried to put out the weird cigarette.

Hawk- n-nothing princess, now go back to sleep.

El- you're not doing nothing.

I said as I got out of bed and walked over to Eli.

I saw smoke go out the window.

El- babe, were you smoking?

Hawk- no.

El- Eli I know when you're lying. You rub your scar. You also do that when you're anxious or scared.

Hawk- I wasn't smoking a cigarette.

El- then what were you doing?

Hawk- I was smoking weed, okay?

El- Eli.. Why?

Hawk- I started after I left when we got home. It helps me calm my nerves and focus.

El- so why are you doing it now?

Hawk- because I have a strain that helps me sleep. I didn't wanna wake you up, so I snuck out from underneath you.

El- Bubba you could've just told me you couldn't sleep and I could've made you sleepy tea or something.

Hawk- I'm sorry. Are you mad?

El- no. Does it actually help?

Hawk- what?

El- the weed.

Hawk- yeah. Why? You wanna try some Angel?

I nodded.

Hawk- here, let me light another one.

Eli pulled out a joint and a lighter out of his pocket. He then light it and inhaled. He breathed the smoke it out the window. Eli then handed me the joint and I took a deep breath. I felt the smoke fill my lungs and I started coughing. 

Hawk- woah, you okay princess?

I nodded, still coughing.

Hawk- you sure?

El- yeah, I'm okay.

I handed him back the joint and he took a hit. It went on like that for a while, minus the coughing every time. After a while, we both got tired and went back to bed after Eli pit out the joint.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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