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The next day, I went to school wearing one of Eli's hoodies he left here.

After school, I texted Eli.

Me: Hi Baby.

No reply.

Me: Babe?

Ugh. Maybe he's with Miguel again.

About an hour later, Eli texted me back.

My love: Sorry El, I was doing homework with Miguel and Demetri.

Me: oh, ok. So I have a question.

My love: ok, what is it?

Me: how come we never FaceTime? We always talk on the phone regularly, but we never FaceTime. I wanna be able to see your face, Baby.

My love: Babe, I told you many times that my phone camera broke, so we can't FaceTime. Sorry Angel.

Me: 😢 okay.

My love: Don't be sad, Angel, we'll see each other soon. I promise.

Me: ok. Love u.

My love: love you too.

Me: By the way, when are we gonna see each other again?

My love: I don't know, but soon ok?

Me: ok.

All of a sudden, Will busted into my room.

El- ugh, what?

Will- Dad said that we gotta go to the store with him.

El- Why?

Will- I don't know.

El- okay, I'll be down stairs in a minute.

I quickly texted Eli, telling him I had to go to the store with Will and my dad before putting my phone in my purse, putting my shoes on, and hurrying down the stairs.

Eli's POV

Miguel Demetri, Sam, Yasmine, Moon, Robby, Aisha, Bert, and I decided to go to Hawkins to surprise El, Will, and the party. We told Hopper and Joyce to have Hopper take El and Will go the store while we got there, so we could surprise them when they got home.

El's POV

When we were at the store, me and Will got some new art stuff and I picked out a harry Potter shirt because it reminded me of Eli. After that, we went home.

When we walked through the door, the lights were off.

Will- Mom? Johnathan? You guys home?

I heard something fall over, so I decided to do something I saw on Tiktok, so I sang-said,

El- if you came here to kill us, clap your hands.

I heard someone or something bang on something two times.

El- well that wasn't clapping your hands, that was more like--

Something then banged on something again.

El- Okay, I'm sorry!

Hopper- guys, stay behind me.

Will and I stepped behind him even though we all knew I could stop whoever or whatever was at our house. We all turned the corner and that's when all the lights turned on.

El- what the--

Miguel, Sam, yasmine, Robby, Moon, Demetri, Bert, and Aisha- SURPRISE!!

I turned around and my jaw dropped.

You're Not Who I Fell In Love With (My Love Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now