Give it to him

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Hello, fellow barbarians, 

I have been convicted by myself and I believe the holly spirit to talk more about our time, just because I felt such a burn of holy ghost concernment that i... Feel like I have to say it. 

What is happening in this great world we live in?  In the past week, we've had multiple train crashes, the ufo? Who believes that it's a ufo and not another Chinese spy balloon, and then the CIA was looking into Catholics for domestic Harrison,  

if the CIA and FBI are looking into Catholics for terrorism, then who else is safe? After that release onto the internet, do you think Christians Jews or another religion is safe? No, they're not... they're going to come against anyone who goes by the word of GOD and follows him, 

and speaks out about the atrocity that is the culture we live in or the society we are working to make better, 

if you speak out about abortion, or you are talking badly about drag queen story time or the LGBTQ stuff, 

look if you're gay or lesbian that's you that's who you want to be, that's who you love do I have a problem with it no, and yes, 

I'm Christian and I believe God made men and women marry but why do you care it's your life, not mine,

 anyway, it's not that part of trying to call out the predatory system on the kids that concern me and that's not right there what two for, and some classrooms are talking about sex? What is going on? When did we as people, I'm not even talking about Christians yet.  Give up on protecting the children for honestly child predators.  When did that happen? Aren't we in a ¨moral ¨ society to give up on protecting the innocent, we aren't in a moral society anymore aren't we? When we let children have adult discussions of destroying their bodies, which is what people are doing to transition to using hormone therapy,  has anyone else noticed that drag queen storytime if we can call it that cause it shouldn't be for kids at all, it's getting worse way worse?
They're dancing in lewd clothing in front of children, it's disturbing. It's immoral and disgusting. If the people of God can't get behind protecting these kids, then what are we? We're not Christians, are we? I'm not perfect I have sinned and sinned, but I've repented of it and if I can make my Father in Heaven look down at my writing at my work and say you've done well daughter, then I guess I did something right. 

But it feels... no it is time going faster, worse and worse things are happening and where are the people of God, 

well if you are watching and monitoring the news you would see a school in Asbury Kentucky the spirit of God looks like it poured itself out onto the people, 

and it seems to be happening more and more around the country, I just took a glimpse of some articles about it...  And it's uplifting and the Holy Spirit is being poured out, and it's all because of GOD, in his glory and honor, 

I don't know what is going to happen. 

All I know is the bible is getting fulfilled in front of our eyes and its glories, I feel like something is off I can't put my finger on it and I want to know if any of you felt it too. 

I've been editing this memo for days now and the more I delay this... The more God lays something on my heart,  has any of you heard that young people around my age or young and older having heart problems keep popping up on the news, why is this happening now when you would have heard of it before?

I've been working on the next chapter and the other things I write on her, but a lot of stuff came up I had a bad time with my asthma at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, and GOD decided that he will take my burden and got something done for me that I thought I wouldn't get done for a much longer time. Just a lot of stuff happened, and I will let you all know when it gets through, 

but I miss hearing from you people, even if some is about my grammar, which is agreeably bad. But more is to come, God is good, 

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